View Full Version : Physical Symptoms

04-25-2012, 12:03 PM
Hi all,

New to this forum, and forums in general ;-).

38 year old guy. Was perfectly healthy upto about 1 year ago. Try to summarise key points below:

- One day out of nowhere had crazy headrush and dizzy. Looking back now it must have been a panick attack
- Been to doctors / hospitals for all tests including scans and all ok
- Since this episode been having horrible physical sensations such as dizzy, feeling faint, headrush
- Can be situational for example in the supermarket it nearly always comes on
- in work situations it frequently comes on for
No apparent reason
- The more I focus on sensations the worse they become upto the point where you can't deal with them and convince yourself there is something else wrong with you as the feelings are so abnormal

No idea where to turn or what is going on? Can anyone relate to this or suggest remedies? Would really appreciate it. Otherwise a very happy 38 year old who just wants to be normal again;-)))).



04-25-2012, 12:48 PM
Ant, well for a 38 y/o(I'm 48) I would suspect stress and/or issues with family or work. In general those with a predisposition to anxiety develop it in early young adulthood(teens and twenties). Those who develop it at your age in general often feel it after difficulties with children, work, marriage, aging parents, major issues with siblings, etc.
I would examine your lifes stresses and relations. Is there anyone who has major difficulties that you cannot help with(but want to)? If you have children how are they? Wife? Work?? Write it all out. The things that are challenging for you, testing or troubling you. It may be a bit deeper down as many of us try and supress our troubles(without knowing it). Start there. Inventory all these including perhaps unresolved problems with those very close to you.
Also those who develop anxiety later often have less severe cases. Which is good. Think about all this. Somewhere, something is causing this and I bet you can get a reduction by working on what is at the core of it. The psychic tension or conflict, for most who are of your age, is the culprit. That doesn't mean I can't be wrong but truly in general most(like me) who are anxious by nature, develop this much earlier, and those who develop it later can usually track down the cause(stress/conflict..even truama like a bad car accident)...somewhere. This is just my take. PM me any time at all. Alankay.

04-25-2012, 01:00 PM
Hiya doze it normally come on when you least want it to example public places or when attention is on you ... For years I have had something similar and never known what it was I remember a lot of trips to the doctors around 13/14 & they didn't know what it was I have had it since now 24 it's hard to explain its like if I think to myself "oh no I hope it Doznt happen now" then that's it my vision goas funny I feel dizzy it's like my brain has been switched off then suddenly turns on its an awful feeling hope this makes Sence..

04-25-2012, 01:12 PM
Hi - thanks for the replies.

I don't particularly have a stressful life. I love my job, although travel very often, not sure if that ignites these symptoms somehow. Home life is good, great partner and family. Really nothing that stands our as the extraordinary.

If I am worried (or perhaps anxious - still trying to understand if this is 100% anxiety related) that the symptoms will start, more than likely they do. I try and let the symptoms wash over me and ignore them and focus on the job in hand. Sometimes this works successfully but other times not, resulting in dizziness, headaches, tingling in left arm and then general panic over there symptoms wanting me to flight.

Logically speaking I know there's nothing medically seriously wrong as tests would have picked this up and usually when I flight the symptoms subside shortly after e.g. Leave the situation I'm in (work, supermarket). If there was something physically wrong, this wouldn't happen. The worst thing is the dizziness like you're head goes heavy and feel like passing out.

Just looking to understand these sensations and obtain tips from those who have had something similar and how you deal with or dealt with these symptoms. It effects my work (which I love) due to having to flee situations do the symptoms subside.

Thanks ;-)


04-25-2012, 11:12 PM
Omg you sound exactly like me! I'll post my situation in a bit my iPhone is about to die....of course!

04-26-2012, 03:04 AM
Ant- I recently started feeling the same sensations! Dizziness, faint, wanting to leave the situation (work). Believe it or not, I almost always feel this way at Walmart. Just the fear of it coming on just deters me from going there. AND I LOVE Walmart!! ;o). I really think its the lighting in there for some reason. I wish I had sum advice for you I just wanted to share that I feel the same. I'm already feeling relief that I'm not the only one.

04-26-2012, 03:29 PM
Same exact thing as me

04-26-2012, 05:07 PM
Hi - it's sort of reassuring that some people have the same experiences as me, but no answers: solutions?

Funnily enough I spent most of yesterday investigating this on the Internet and I spoke to a guy who is specialised in this exact problem who is totally confident he can sort these problems out. So, meeting him tomorrow. Expensive at £250 per one hour session and maybe needing multiple sessions, but hey, if it gets me better I'll take out another mortgage ;-). Watch this space.
