View Full Version : Hypochondria & ocd

04-25-2012, 09:34 AM
Hiya I'm new here .. I suffer from ocd & hypochondria I'm just curious to know if anybody else dose & how well you cope ... My ocd has recently got under control & in result hypochondria has came back louder than ever! :/

04-25-2012, 11:43 AM
hiya and welcome to the forum.

what i've noticed with my 'hypochondria' is that i have spikes of it.
for a few months i may be fine - not worrying about any illness. then all of a sudden i will diagnose myself with one thing after the other!

during the time of a spike, i honestly don't know how to cope! i basically just have to ride it out.
only my recent outburst became too much and i went onto meds. they seem to have helped :)

you definitely aren't alone though. especially with the hypochondria! there are more people out there suffering with that than i thought!

04-25-2012, 12:15 PM
Yes definitely it comes. & goas I remember been like this from around 12 onwards but after having my first child it was if it just went away then Afew month ago I was at rock bottem with my Ocd & as soon as I got therapy & got it under control BAMM all the hypochondria is back its like because I didn't have any other worrys but of corse to me it's not hypochondria I think there is something seriously wrong with me I don't Bilive my doctors anymore I think they are not taking me seriously because of my age 24 :( arggghhh I hate my mind!!

04-25-2012, 12:44 PM
you need to accept that it is just anxiety. i know that is near on impossible when you are deep in it!

i'm 25 and i've been to the doctors claiming to have allsorts

kidney disease
heart attacks
personality disorders
overactive thyroid
and the list goes on...

it's not that they aren't taking you seriously. it's the anxiety making you believe that!!

once you accept it is your anxiety, things will become alot easier to manage.

after all of my 'illnesses' i'm still standing :D
you have definitely came to the right place!
being in denial is what keeps feeding it.
the more and more you accept it being anxiety, the easier it will be to control - rather than anxiety controlling you :)

04-25-2012, 01:18 PM
Yea I know exactly how anxiety it's a **** in the sat four weeks Evan now I think I hav either all or at least 1 cervial cancer,breast cancer,lung cancer & the worst 1 brain tumor!!!! I have a lot of the symtoms & doctors have told me its congestion & will not give me an MRI same as they won't give me a smear unroll I'm 25 :( all that goas thru my mind is IT'S THERE AND IT'S GETTING WORSE DAY BY DAY! It petrified me just today I broke dwn in tears I'm goin to get my eyes tested tomorrow purely because iv heard they could detect a brain tumor! 1 min I think ok I'm been silly mabie the docs r rite but then 2 secs later I'm back too aw god no its there I know it is something is gona happen to me and be to late for a cure :( it realy is tormenting :(

04-25-2012, 08:20 PM
Brain tumor is the big one for me now, it was heart problems before. I have had thoughts of brain tumors for the past 5 months, I have terrible congestion from what was a cold now allergies. I instantly think brain tumor and can magnify my symptoms to the point I make myself sick. I've just started to realize that I've had no progression in symptoms of a brain tumor, it's been 5 months. Cancer doesn't just stay stagnant like that. Then I educated myself on statistics of brain tumors based on the brain tumor registry. For where I live and my age and "health", I have a 99.998% chance that I don't have one, it's kind of amazing. Only 300ish people out of 1,350,000 get them on average in NH. I also notice my symptoms disappear as soon as i take a Klonopin. We all need to rationalize, I know it's hard but it helps so much.

04-26-2012, 01:33 AM
It's hard to think rational when you suffer from anxiety this mornin iv woken up with a stitch it my groin straight away I'm thinking ovarian cancer :/ & my head pressure has seemed to have gone now this is we're I google the symtoms!

04-26-2012, 03:43 AM
Chest pains, brain tumors, aneurysm omg I'm a walking "about to freak out" because I think I have every symptom of everything. I agree that when you come to the realization that all the symptoms is anxiety, it will get easier to manage and deal with.

For me, high blood pressure runs in my family so I'm stressing everyday of trying to eat "healthy". Healthy? What's that? LoL

Recently I've been feeling dizzy-ish and faint (or so I believe) that my head starts going through a sensation of head rushes, pressure and throbbing. A weird feeling like my temples are about to explode (oh no is this an aneurysm?)

Sorry so long I didn't realize--I just wanted to acknowledge that I feel the same. It really does make me feel better reading through the various threads. I'm not alone.

04-26-2012, 04:56 AM
Hiya yes it's reassuring know'n others have the same symtoms & myt jus be from anxiety I'm exactly the same I google (cancer) a lot and always seen to have all the symtoms it scares the life outa me alday Eveyday,, I can't remember the last tym I went an hour without a worrying thought or ten mins Evan! I get alot of head pressure too I also went thru a stage of thinkn I'm losing my memory & the more I worried over it the more I noticed it my doctor seems to think its because I spend way too much in my head, mabie I just think waaaaaay too much!!!!