View Full Version : Chest pain also

04-24-2012, 11:22 AM
Sharp chest pain... Don't know what it is... Chest pain on the left side mostly but also on right side and my back on the left side as well... I've had a standard blood test done but don't think it was for the heart more for any kind of infection and my kidneys and I've had an EKG done but all came out normal but I don't know

04-24-2012, 03:56 PM
I had the same problem. It is probably a muscle spasm. It's amazing how your body reacts to anxiety. Your muscles are most like contracting and almost causing a cramp. What I did to help was stretch and breath. Try and put your hands behind your back and take a deep breath. It can be scary. Just remember its just a feeling. Nothing is wrong. I hope this helps:)