View Full Version : My Anxiety story. Advice needed (:

04-24-2012, 07:12 AM
hello i'm a 17 yr old male, and currently going through anxiety that has been going on for about 3 months so far. This whole anxiety thing started after i had some trouble breathing randomly and honestly thought i was going to die cause i could not breathe and felt all light headed and fixing to pass out. Well i went to ER and they checked my heart and lungs and everything was fine. So over that 3 months was a nightmare! i developed SO MANY unexplained symptoms such as, rapid heartbeat, hyperventilating breathing, Derealization, trouble taking deep breathes, panic attacks, dizziness, heavy body, heavy legs, numbness around body, muscle spasms, tremors and probably a lot more but i just cant thing of them all right now. What shocks me the most is how anxiety can cause all this to someone, its just crazy! But during those 3 months i never got a break it was one symptom or the other or multiple combined. Yes i admit i would go on Google a lot everyday just to see whats causing all of this. which i than began to to find serious illnesses related to the symptoms i have which as you guys know makes it a whole lot worse. But some symptoms i have listed are gone or at least don't appear often like others. Like my numbness around my body used to be everyday a few times a day but has decreased to maybe once every week or something maybe even less. But i have been dizzy for about a month straight on and off through out the day. And i also have other stuff going on which i think triggers my anxiety which is, i have developed a sinus problem or something where i would get head pains which they have stopped and eye blurriness and really bad clogged nose. I sneeze out bloody mucus every day (yes i know its gross) and just have a hard time breathing through my nose. I also have been burping like crazy ever since this all started and i went to my family doctor and found out i'm really constipated, yes i knew i was constipated i couldn't go easily but i thought hey its fine or whatever. And he says that's what is causing my burping and such. But at the end of the day you would think i would know whats wrong with myself and accept it, well i don't. I keep telling my self its anxiety, its constipation, its just a sinus problem. And then i get thoughts at the back of my mind that's its MORE then that. I was convinced that i had a serious illness such as a brain tumor which would explain eye blurriness and head pains, I also thought i had MS which would explain the variety of symptoms i have. I Worry everyday that i'm going to be like this all day everyday for the rest of my life and never going to get better. I'm going to a counselor today to see if i need any medications because currently all i am taking is a nasal spray for my nose and something else for my constipation. I would like to know if anyone else has had a similar experience to mine or any of the symptoms i have had lasting longer then a week or two, Because the more i have these symptoms the more i think i have a real problem other then anxiety. Thanks for reading this, sorry its so long! (: any advice is appreciated! have a great anxiety free day!

04-24-2012, 10:14 AM
There are a LOT of people on this forum that hate your symptoms. The stress that anxiety can cause you to be susceptible to little illness niggles like colds, the flu and sinus infections (which is what it sounds like you have).

I share a few of your symptoms - not all of them. My advice to you would be to talk talk to your doctor about your anxiety and get a referral for a specialist to help you through this.

As crazy as it seems, it is anxiety alone that is the major cause of your horrible symptoms and yes, they are awful. But you have the power to do something about them and get control over this before it takes control of you.

Stay positive.

You can beat this.