View Full Version : Can you die from an anxiety attack?

04-24-2012, 02:41 AM
My husband, like me, has crippling anxiety attacks. His family doctor told him when he was 16, it's possible to die from an anxiety attack because your "heart will beat to much." what the hell! I mean we all know excessive stress is not good for us buy...As far as doctors have told me...people don't die from anxiety. I feel like that's the worst thing you could tell someone with anxiety!! It's untrue isn't it?

04-24-2012, 02:55 AM
I dont think so...... My heart was beating very rapidly one time when I had a panic/anxiety attack and had just smoked weed.... I checked my pulse and it was the fastest its ever been like 200 beats a minute or so...

04-24-2012, 05:46 AM
No. Unless you have a heart condition or vascular issue it only causes extreme distress. True, the glands can only make so much adrenaline. Alankay

04-24-2012, 10:10 AM
Absolutely no.

04-24-2012, 12:56 PM
Unless you have a heart condition or vascular issue
Haha don't phrase it like that, or anxious people will start thinking they have heart conditions or vascular issues.

I would bet no one has ever died of a panic attack. They feel life-threatening because your body is telling reacting to what it perceives as a life threatening situation- but it is not.

You will not die, your heart will not stop beating, and you will continue to breath.

04-24-2012, 02:23 PM
As much as I dislike the medical establishment and many doctors, I doubt the doctor said that to your husband. Is it possible your husband was nervous so he interpreted it wrong? That just doesn't sound like anyone who went through medical school would say such a ridiculous thing such as you can die from an anxiety attack. "Your heart will beat too much" Oh no! We should spread the word to all athletes because they will die because their hearts beat too much. Stop the NBA! Stop all marathons! Sorry but ask your husband again if that is what he really said.