View Full Version : Already aware its anxiety

01-15-2007, 06:13 PM

I have signed up to ask you guys some questions about these anxiety feelings i am experiencing. I apologise in advance for the length of this post but please take the time to read it if you can. I am in the position of now being fully aware that my symptoms are a result of anxiety having already been through the stage of worrying about brain tumours / ME / MS etc. I have now had my symptoms for just over 2 months and am currently experiencing a (very slight) improvrement. The two overriding symptoms i have been experiencing are:

Excessive major fatigue
Major lightheadidness / dizziness / giddiness etc

I will now describe some of the problems / issues i have been experiencing and would ask if they are familliar to any of you.
The fatigue will often cause me to be in a state of 'daydream' which makes reading especially hard when the words seem to 'blur' into one. It seems to only be a mental fatigue and doesnt actually seem to feel like i will fall asleep. It certainley doesnt seem natural and is always there in the background. The lightheaded feling is awful. I feel giddy and terrible. Both of these symptoms seem worse in the morning and see to get better in the evening when i relax. I try to rest to help but this makes the fatigue even worse. The combination of these symptoms makes me feel like a zombie or very spaced out. I SO badly want this to go and have my life back my parents also have trouble with me being like this.
Does anyone else get these symptoms? Are they worse in the morning? I just cant get them off my mind EVER! I know that if i can somehow manage this ill feel better.
I have previously suffered depression and eventually managed to beat it with the help of tablets but i really dont want tablets with this because of the side effects (the same ones as im trying to get rid of)
Ive also had some other smaller symptoms such as really annoying eye problems namely trouble focusing (vision seems blurry) this may be a result of the tiredness?
Ive recently had some worrying suicidal thoughts. When this happens i get upset. I just cant live ike this. Sometimes ending it seems the easiest way. Ive always been a fighter with this type of thing but i dont know how much i have left. I read that people have had it for a few years and this makes these thoughts worse.
If you have read all this (and arnt falling asleep!) id really like to hear from people who have experienced the same thing (with fatigue.) Or from people who may have any tips to deal with it or any advice in general.

P.S If it helps im a 22 year old male in my third yr at uni (thats where the stress came fron) and dont do any regular excercise.

Thanks so much in advance.


01-15-2007, 07:08 PM

I think most of us on this forum understand how frustrating your symptoms can be, because we have all felt the fatigue and inability to concentrate. The important thing to understand is that you can overcome them, and that the bad episodes will eventually pass.

The first thing you should do is see a doctor. Tell him all of your symptoms, don't be shy! The more he knows the more help he can be. I also wouldn't rule out medication, especially with what you've told us. Side effects differ with all medications, and you may not necessarily feel the effects like you did before.

If you really don't want to be on medication, he will probably refer you to a psychiatrist who will help you with relaxation techniques. I am sure the first piece of advice he will give you is to exercise. I would also recommend doing things that you enjoy when you get anxious - I cook something or play an online game, this helps me take my mind off my anxiety.

Most importantly, be positive! I know it's hard when you're really feeling down (trust me, I go through it all the time!) Talk to professionals, anxiety doesn't have to control your life! Good luck Jarv!

01-16-2007, 01:06 PM

Thanks for the reply. Do you think that medication could possibly help to get rid of the tiredness? I cant stand it. I cooked some dinner today and just got that familliar spaced out feeling. Do you know the kind? its like floating. It made me feel v.sick i just want this to dissapear. Im gonna try to see the doc tomorrow again. Ive recently had a blood test done whch came back all clear. It worried me that many people here seem to hav experienced the dizzy / lightheaded feeling but v.few hae experienced the fatigue. It just awful. The doc has put the whole thing down to stress many times now but im still not overly convinced. Im not even totally sure what the differences are between stress and anxiety?
Many Thanks

01-16-2007, 01:45 PM
I know what you are feeling. It's almost like you are high on drugs (I don't do drugs but that's kinda how I would imagine it) or something and you just want it to go away. As far as the tiredness - are you sleeping well at night? A lot of times people with anxiety have trouble sleeping, I know I do, and that makes me tired during the day. If this is the case, medication could be helpful - if it works to control your anxiety you will probably sleep better, thus be less tired. Also, when you have anxiety there's all sorts of adrenaline and other hormones flowing through your body, this can excite you during episodes, but then cause fatigue once you calm down because your body uses so much energy during the excited times.

Hope this helps, let us know what the doctor says. You may also want to consider seeing a psychiatrist, especially since you know there's physically nothing wrong with you. They are usually more qualified to diagnose an anxiety disorder and can probably find a treatment that's best for your specific symptoms. Good luck!

01-16-2007, 03:11 PM
I know how you all feel, i sometiems feel liek im in a dream world, like my depth perception(sp?) is off, then ill look up and get dizzy and almost fall.

01-17-2007, 03:58 AM
Definatly anxiety and possibly depression as this makes us feel tired and unenthused. You will get though it seek therapy. But make sure it is a qualified therapist if possible get one recommended.

I know how you feel take one day at a time and dont expect to recover overnight.


01-17-2007, 08:27 AM
Thanks people

I think its anxiety too. Do you think thats what causes the tiredness. I dont have the dizzy feling all the time. I usually get it if im in the shops or something. This also tells me that its anxiety as it tends to come and go. Does that make sense to you? The tiredness seems to be worse if i sleep in longer. What type of therapist do i have to look up? Is it expensive?

Many Thanks


01-17-2007, 09:11 AM
Depends, where are you from?

01-17-2007, 11:19 AM
im from gillingham in kent.



01-17-2007, 02:59 PM
The lightheaded feling is awful. I feel giddy and terrible. Both of these symptoms seem worse in the morning and see to get better in the evening when i relax. I try to rest to help but this makes the fatigue even worse. The combination of these symptoms makes me feel like a zombie or very spaced out.

I never used to get dizzy alot but the past 3 days ive been pretty lightheaded its worse when i close my eyes it makes my head feel full or heavier and that makes it hard to relax and sleep go once you get on some meds im sure you will notice a difference

01-18-2007, 03:16 AM
Then you can get CBT free on the NHS speak to your GP ask him to refer you to your local mental health clinic. If possible get booked in for group sessions they seem to be more effective against anxiety.

I hope this helps,


01-18-2007, 12:17 PM
O.k thanks im going to the doctor next week on tuesday so ill see what they can come up with then. Ill keep you posted.

Thanks everyone for the help


01-18-2007, 06:11 PM
Hi Jarv, some of your symptoms sound close to mine... I have been suffering with this dizziness kinda lightheadness feeling, almost a sense of lack of equilibrium.... it seems to get worse in shopping malls, in open areas... at first I thought it was an inner ear problem... (have you had that checked?) but the doctors say its very mild... but now I am starting to fear shopping malls and open spaces because the feeling gets worse... I have been through a very stressful year and now it seems like the symptoms are worse...

Someone to talk to....

Maximum overdrive

01-19-2007, 09:33 AM
I'm a pre-law student and have the stress of school and my mind gets tired. I think it's because I can't shut it off. It gets painful sometimes and I cry. I, too, have had suicidal thoughts from time to time. But I, too, am a fighter and would never leave those who love me alone in this world without me. Read around on this forum. You'll be relieved to know that you're not alone. TALK about it. I've been talking about it for two days now on here and feel better than I've felt in years!

You're going to be fine. Those suicidal thoughts are just your mind giving up. That's not you and that's not what you want. Figure out a way to give yourself and your mind a rest.