View Full Version : My mind is calm, my body is anxious!

04-23-2012, 07:58 PM
I have suffered from anxiety for 12 years now and have just about figured out that, at least for me, I suffer with physical symptoms of anxiety but in my head I'm thinking, "Why am I having these stupid symptoms? I am not stressed, I want to be happy and more carefree!"

Is anyone else experiencing this? It's like my body should belong to someone who is suffering from the psychological part of anxiety (phobias, worried about something bad happening, etc) and my mind should belong to a normal body without tightness in my chest, shortness of breath, tingling in my arms and legs, heat rushes, difficulty going to sleep, etc!

I am wondering if there is a way to stop this without my medication. I have been on Paxil for 12 years (Paxil CR 37.5 right now) and it's been great about almost completely stopping panic attacks (maybe 2 a year) but with anxiety it's not been that successful. Here's the kicker, I am scared to get off the Paxil because it is at least preventing panic attacks. I am wondering if another medication might be more effective or if I need to look into some other method.

I am getting a tattoo on Friday (one that I really love and symbolizes the close relationship I have with my sister) and this is not my first but I think the fact that I am getting one on Friday ha got me feeling jittery, restless and tight in the chest. I know these feelings to be driven by anxiety - I have been tested and gone to the ER in the middle of the night and I'm fine!

I look forward to learning more about what others are doing to rid anxiety!

04-24-2012, 11:44 AM
I believe it is important to eat healthy and exercise as a base to help stay anxiety free. The exercise part might be what you need based on your physical symptoms...if you're not doing something already. Or it could be there is an underlying cause for the physical problems you're experiencing. Have fun with the tattoo : )