View Full Version : Chest Pain

04-23-2012, 06:02 PM
So I have had a few good days but today is not one of them. My chest has been hurting for the last couple days but today it is really worrying me. I have had so many test done in the past and all say I am okay but how do you know when it just comes on all the sudden. I have read that in women who have a heart attack the pain is different and does not tend to be the horrible chest pain. My pain is all on my right side and is hurting in my back as well, it feels different than my past stress chest pains. I'm so sick of feeling like this. Can this all just be because I'm stressed? My heart rate is a little high but maybe just 10 bets more per minute. And my blood pressure is fine. Is this something to worry about or just another beautiful way anxiety manipulates itself?

04-24-2012, 10:14 AM
any condition that it makes you feel bad is important that you worry about it, what you describe is common of anxiety, my advise is ask your doctor his opinion.

04-24-2012, 11:10 AM
your anxiety may be causing your muscles to tighten or maybe it's your tight muscles that are causing you to have anxiety. sometimes a little stretching or meditation can help the muscle pain. usually the heart will affect the left side. feel better!