View Full Version : re: scared and anxious about something happening to the hubby or kids, or even myself

04-23-2012, 02:34 PM
i think the root of my anixety, is i have alot fear and insecurity. i lost my mom at the age of 16, she died of a massive heart attack, i was the one who found her dead, and ever since than i have had this fear of death, that i don't know how to conquer, i know we all have to die one day, but i guess this fear keeps me from living fully or taking risks.

now that i have a hubby, and 2 young kids, i am always afraid something bad is going to happen to them, that is what brings my anxiety on.

if anyone has any tips or suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. i have tried to counter my negative thoughts with positive ones, but i guess it takes work, and sometimes i am not sure how to counter these fears.

thanks in advance !!

04-23-2012, 02:57 PM
The fear of death is what I believe ultimately caused my first anxiety attack. There were other factors but before I had my first anxiety attack, the fear of death was consuming my thoughts.

I'm sorry you had to experience your mother's death at such a young age.

04-23-2012, 03:07 PM
thanks, so how do you not let it consume you or does it still ??

04-23-2012, 03:58 PM
I do things to keep my mind busy. I started to exercise more and hang out with family/friends. It seems to keep my mind distracted. Also, I recognize the feeling or fear of dying and remind myself that I'm stronger and will not succumb to fear.

The other anxiety trigger for me is anticipation, whenever an event or occasion is near, I get super anxious. I had an event to attend on Friday, almost had a full blown anxiety attack. Believe it or not, i still have symptoms left over from Friday.

Try breathing exercises and drink chamomile tea (recommended to me on this forum) it helps me relax. Hope you feel better :)

04-23-2012, 05:49 PM
yeh i have a relaxation tape i statred up again, just trying to be consistent with it is not always easy, will have to try the chamomille tea.