View Full Version : Horrible hypochondria and anxiety right now

04-23-2012, 11:54 AM
Hi all,
I have posted before on the site, I'm dealing with law school finals and my miscarriage right now (due date was supposed to be next week). I can't stop obsessing about every little ache and pain in my body and the second I feel better about something, something else seems to hurt or become a problem. I really need some tips as to how to focus on other things because I will never make it through these next couple weeks and pass my finals. I am trying deep breathing and all that, and I take .5 mg of xanax a day but nothing is really helping and I really need some good quick ideas to help :( -Laura

04-23-2012, 05:08 PM
I am dealing with it too, so much stress it makes me awful. Try to stay positive and each day make a list of things that made your anxiety worse. I did this last week, one day I thought I was having a heart attack the next was a brain tumor. Realize that that many things cannot actually be wrong with you on different days, and try to rationalize

04-25-2012, 12:47 PM
Thank you for your response, It's just so overwhelming :( I know a lot of the health stuff I worry about is most likely completely irrational but I have a little pain or weird feeling and become so fixated on it and what it could be that it becomes SO much worse and its all I can think about. For instance, I'm in my office right now trying to do work for a client and I literally can only focus on how much my ear hurts and what kind of horrible cancer or problem it could be. I am so annoyed at myself but I can't stop thinking about it!

04-25-2012, 02:38 PM
I'm goin thru the same thing :( right now I'm thinkn iv got a brain tumor & or breast cancer I do have the symtoms & have seen my gp a lot the past few weeks last appointment was monday & I'm already thinking about my next appointment! It's like I don't Bilive them tomorrow I'm getting my eyes tested only because I have heard they could spot a brain tumor :/

04-25-2012, 05:01 PM
I agree that it's overwhelming, I am in the middle of buying a home, completing my MBA, and having a second child. Everytime my allergies are bad, my thoughts worsen. Just try to stay positive... All I can say, it does wonders. One negative thought will make you worse