View Full Version : after a night out of drinking!

04-22-2012, 03:50 PM
so its been a month since I have had a drink. last night I went to brothers bachelors party and got drunk woke up with hangover. well after the hangover was over with I started getting shaky, heart was racing and just worrying alot on whats going on. I thought Id be good with not drinking for over a month and not have to do with the anxiety attack the next day since everytime I drink it seems to make my anxiety the next day skyrocket. anyone have any ideas im currently on aprasolam .20 mg.

04-22-2012, 04:20 PM
My anxiety is terrible the next day after drinking , I have cut down loads coz ov it, I have learnt to except how bad I'm gunna feel the next day for the sake ov a piss up the nite b4 , it's horrible but other than not drink at all I don't think u can prevent it , i just make sure I eat and drink plenty ov water and try and have a nap.

04-22-2012, 04:45 PM
yea I been drinking alot of water and I had something to eat ...just cant seem to get this to stop...the xanax helps a bit. but still feeling awful....

04-22-2012, 05:12 PM
Mine normally takes 24 hours b4 I feel ok again, I'm going away this weekend and already dreading the hangover/anxiety part ov it, I completely no how u feel ur not on ur own, it happens to me each and every time I drink :/

04-22-2012, 07:14 PM
Similar experience Friday night. I had this overwhelming urge to "kill the anxiety," and I drank. There was nothing to celebrate, and the anxiety was replaced with disorientation, bad dreams, and the next day was a wash. Whenever I try to drown my demons they learn to swim. The only thing I can do the day after is walk, drink water, ride it out. I remember the consequence (usually), and this ekeeps me from lapsing. If the drinking continued for a while, there would, undoubtedly be a full relapse of major depression and panic attacks. I'm choosing to teetotal indefinitely.

jon mike
04-23-2012, 12:42 AM
Hi people sorry for the short message I'm on my phone but just had to say summit.
For 16 years I did the same as you lot, worrying, dreading the next day etc. This is actually the fuel that's feeding the anxiety. The drinking does make you more anxious but the fact that your expecting it is why its definitely going to happen.
Quick insight about me. I lived in a world of shit for years an years thinkin I was mad. It got out of hand. I had cbt therapy. I am now happy and well. It took 12 weeks of 1 hour slots. I got it through the nhs. But I would have given everything I owned for it if I knew how it would change me . Look into using any therapy or programs you can guys it changed my life

04-23-2012, 09:31 AM
I had a similar bad experience with alcohol this weekend.

It was my partners birthday party. I challenged myself in the day and went out and got waxed at the salon (enough to bring out the anxiety in anyone - am I right ladies?) and did the shopping. I felt quite good after this, but as the time drew closer I could feel my nerves build to fever pitch.

Once people started arriving I tried to get through it with a few drinks. It actually helped a lot at first. I found myself looking around at my lovely friends - many whom have struggled with anxiety and panic attacks and I thought: 'what was I so nervous about?, I love these people and they like me!'

I only had 4 beers and paced them out with soft drink, it was only when I went to bed, I started to feel dreadful. I was literally shaking all over and was having some trouble with my breathing. It took me about 3 hours to get comfortable and fall asleep. I felt ok the next day, but I know I went over my limit.

I'm certainly not going to swear off alcohol, but I will be a lot wiser with my use of it in future!!

04-23-2012, 01:05 PM
It probably has something to do with dehydration. But also it has to do with what is in your head. You were already worried about it before you went out. All hangovers suck...just relax and take it easy the next day!