View Full Version : New issue adding to my anxiety

04-22-2012, 01:06 PM
Friday night, I had what we think was a Gallbladder attack. It was the worst pain I had ever had (even worse than childbirth) and my husband ended up taking me to the emergency room where the doctor even suspects my gallbladder. They ruled out any heart problems by doing EKG's, blood work, and x-rays but the doctor wants me to follow up with my family doctor to get an ultrasound done on my gallbladder.

Anyway.. The pain was intense and AWFUL. Since then, I can't seem to quit thinking about it. I constantly worry about having that pain again or what I might eat that could bring on another attack. I'm scared to go through that again. It was so bad it was taking my breath away.. So now, it's just one more thing to add to my anxiety issues. I'm constantly worried about that pain...

Not sure what I was wanting out of this post but thought I'd talk about it. I just wish I could NOT think about it and move on until I can get an appointment with my doctor and find out what is going on....

04-22-2012, 02:33 PM
Yikes, gall bladder attacks are very bad. My girlfriend went through it and it was hell.

First I'd do some serious research on diet. There are some changes you can make to your diet in the short term to prevent attacks from happening. I remember she would take shots of apple cider vinegar or something.

Then get in and get it out ASAP. I'm assuming you need it taken out, and it's a very simple surgery.

05-04-2012, 08:07 PM
I've had 3 more attacks since then, one last night and one today.. They are awful.. But now I'm really starting to think that I'm bringing it on myself to an extent. What if my anxiety is causing me to worry so much all of the time about having another attack that I'm somehow making myself have one??? I took an Ativan to get my anxiety under control... I've been feeling better since taking it but eek... I do have appointments set up for next week (finally) but I'm so tired of having the attacks and there's just nothing you can do except let it run its course and hope that it hurries...

05-04-2012, 09:22 PM
Don't worry, anxiety can't bring on a gall bladder attack. They are totally different and independent of eachother. Just get into the doctor and get it taken care of. Try and change your diet to prevent the attacks.