View Full Version : Driving phobia

04-22-2012, 12:49 PM
I am 33 and have never driven before. I am terrified of even being in the car while my husband drives. I usually sit in the back and cover my eyes and ears. Ever single trip is traumatic for me. It is embarrassing and I feel quite helpless as to what to do.

04-22-2012, 05:19 PM
Where do you think your phobia comes from, cam? Have you always suffered, or is it something triggered by a traumatic event?

My anxiety is often tied into driving and I have had to work really hard to overcome it. It makes life difficult when you can barely be in a car, let alone a taxi or bus. I understand how badly it can limit your options.

What I had to do to get through it, on recommendation by my psychiatrist, was complete some exposure therapy to get my power back. You need to start off simple. Just sitting in the car alone, or with your partner for 10-20 minutes a day. Then sitting in the car with the engine running the following week. Then you have to get out there on the road by taking small drives. Challenge your anxiety and celebrate every success you have. Increase the driving distance, noting your symptoms and raring them from 1 - minimal to 10 - extreme.

This might sound terrible, but I think your long term goal should be to get your licence. What better way to truly conquer this fear once and for all?

I has to learn to drive after a terribly traumatic accident and it was incredibly hard, but very liberating at the same time. My parents rang around and found an instructor who was patient and understanding about my needs.

I don't know if you have seen a professional about this phobia, but I sincerely recommend it. You may need to get some medical assistance to help with the initial anxiety of challenging your phobia.

Many people struggle with this and beat it. You aren't alone and if you can be brave and challenge your phobia, you can take control back.

Good luck, hon x