View Full Version : Successes and help

04-22-2012, 10:54 AM
Hi everyone,
Someone made a post a week or so ago (sorry I can't find it) that pretty asked people to post successes that they have had with anxiety. At the time I read the post, I was at my worst and feeling miserable. Now looking back, I think it's a great idea. It is very helpful and comforting to share the negative feelings that we all are feeling from anxiety and relate to others in this way, but what about all the good things that we are able to do and overcome? Those are just as much worth mentioning!!

Also, what has helped you with anxiety? Besides meds, any therapy, vitamins, natural remedies, etc.

I know that anxiety can get us down. It has definitely gotten me down, but my neighbor who has cancer inspired me yesterday. She has been told three times that she does not have much longer to live. She has done chemo multiple times and has had cancer for almost 20 years. Yet, she has remained positive and has not given up on fighting the cancer, and I think that is what has kept her alive. She is an amazing person and is still living life to the fullest. I truly believe that keeping a positive attitude will help to overcome anxiety.

Let's try to post successes with anxiety and what has helped you to overcome (even if you are still dealing with anxiety, what has helped you to get through a situation that may have caused you anxiety).

Looking forward to replies,

04-22-2012, 10:33 PM
I agree, its a great idea.

04-24-2012, 10:21 AM
Bumping this up.

Today I had a good day at work. I functioned. I was productive and I was very rarely uncomfortable - a huge triumph for me after a hellish few weeks.

Slight anxiety in the evening, nothing major.

Today was a confidence boost that I needed!

Keep your good posts coming people!

04-24-2012, 10:59 AM
Here are eight tips you can start today to reduce your symptoms immediately.
Eat a healthy diet.
Take a good multivitamin supplement.
Drink plenty of water.
Avoid alcohol, sugar, and caffeine as much as possible.
Take time to relax every day.
Exercise daily.
Don’t cram your days too full of activities.
Write down your anxious feelings, then look for patterns. Avoid any activities that you find are major stressors.
If you ever feel like you can’t breathe, you are hyperventilating. Breathe in and out of a brown paper bag. According to WebMD.com, this old time remedy actually works. It does so by increasing the amount of CO2 you are inhaling.

Everyone needs to take care of themselves, but if you have a panic or anxiety disorder, you need to take especially good care of yourself. It is logical that having a healthy lifestyle can make your mind healthier, too.

Hope this helps!

04-24-2012, 03:34 PM
I am so happy to see people posting! Keeping positive is a huge way to recover I feel!

Here is my success for today: I was able to be by myself in my house without my husband without getting really anxious. I felt some anxiety, but was able to control it with my breathing.

What has helped me: When I was really anxious, I read about something called Rescue Remedy. It is something that you use when you are feeling stress/anxiety by just putting two to four drops under your tongue. This could be totally placebo but it helped me to calm down when I was feeling really anxious and refrain from using lorazepam. Now, I don't rely so much on the rescue remedy, but focus more on my breathing.


04-24-2012, 04:39 PM
This is great, I had a rough weekend but it's turning around for me this week. Please keep posting about positive experiences/techniques!

04-25-2012, 02:36 PM
Success today: Driving home from work I needed to stop to get a few things from the grocery store. I worked myself up and started to feel anxiety. I was able to control it but felt uncomfortable. Even though I just wanted to keep driving home and get home, I forced myself to go to the store. Once in the store, I felt fine. The anticipation was worse than the actual event. Lesson learned today. Feels really good to have done it and felt good.

What other successes have people had today or this week?

04-25-2012, 06:27 PM
Well done everyone on all your successes!
I managed to meet friends in a coffee shop this week, first time I have done this in months. I actually felt fairly relaxed and I enjoyed myself!

04-25-2012, 08:16 PM
Congrats! The anticipation always gets me and leads to anxiety symptoms even after the actual event. Any advice?