View Full Version : Stages of anxiety?

04-22-2012, 10:32 AM
I had a bad week of anxiety two weeks ago -- the worst it's ever been. This week I am feeling better, still feeling it, but in different ways. Is there such a thing as different stages of anxiety? The week it was really bad I had a hard time breathing, heart racing, and pain everywhere. Now last week I was doing better with my breathing. The anxiety has felt different many days. Is that normal? The past few days I've felt pain in my chest, neck, and back. Then today, I am feeling a burning in my throat, but no pain in my chest, neck, or back. I'm getting really tired of feeling all of these things related to anxiety.

04-22-2012, 11:22 AM
I know exactly how you feel. Even tho my anxiety may be better some weeks I still have other symptoms like fatigue and body aches and pain. It can be really frustration but when you think about how exactly anxiety works, it may help to understand why you feel these stages. When you have a panic attack, or that "flight or fight" feeling, your body can't tell the different between that and an actual traumatic event. So if you've ever been in a car accident or a fight or some serious life situation you sometimes feel the effects days after. I believe the same is for anxiety. Our body is constantly thinking it is in this dangerous situations and adrenaline is being pumped out and it eventually wears the body down. Your body is slowly healing and calming itself down, so you may feel the after effects for weeks after a bad anxiety week.