View Full Version : don't really understand my feelings/ do not want to go on meds

04-20-2012, 01:36 PM
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum, and would like some help. I've just come back from holiday with my family and we stayed in a pretty remote hotel/places in Africa (btw im an african from Ghana). We were only there for 10 days and I felt anxious through the whole time imagining dangerous situations and ive come back sick(health)etc., I did enjoy it but somethings telling me I need help. I'm nealry 20 now and most of my teenage life ive acted quite strange mostly when im drunk lol most people only think im over exaggerating when I say things like i'm crazy amd depressed (this is the way most of my peers talk anyway) but all of the sudden I was feel unsetteld about life and living/religion and phobia of death ect. On a regular day to day I dont act manic but I do talk to myself but can help myself to stop. I just want to feel better again. However the thought of taking a pill to make me feel better scares me I really dont want to take pills is there a way to meditate/council services/groups i can join or do to myself feel better? thank you