View Full Version : Chronic worrying and anxiety

04-19-2012, 09:41 PM
How do you chronic worriers calm down?

I'm suffering from pretty bad anxiety right now. I was dealing with my anxiety well for a long time,and I had a few instances make me go downhill. Now I'm at the point where I'm having panic attacks,anxiety,and feel afraid most of the time. My boyfriend is bipolar,and we've had too many bad fights in too short of time. It's been overwhelming. I have GAD,and negativity makes it flare up. I've also been having a very tough time finding a job where I live,as it is a dead employment area. That makes me feel like I'm not doing my part.

Now I'm worrying excessively. I worry I'm going to become agoraphobic(I'm not comfortable leaving my house),I worry I'll never drive again(I'm not comfortable driving) I worry when my boyfriend goes to work because I don't want to be alone. I worry I'm going to have a panic attack any second. I worry I will always be like this from now on. I worry I'm going to miss out on all the awesome things summer has to offer because I'm afraid of everything. I worry I'm going to miss out on valuable family time. I worry I'm going to have to get on meds that will change me,give me side effects,and cause addiction. I worry I will never be happy. I just want to feel like myself again! Just a month ago I was my happy self,with some manageable worries.

My days are basically like a yo-yo. I have some good days. Some good nights. But I always end up feeling bad at some point in the day.

Does anybody have any tips? I don't know at what point something becomes bigger then just a funk.

04-19-2012, 10:26 PM
I feel the same way. I normally have an hour maybe two of normalcy in my day but the rest sucks. I constantly think I'm going to die. It's making me have physical symptoms like heart palpitations, arm pains, stomach pains, tmj and horrible heart burn. I'm so tired of feeling this way. When my husband is home I feel a little better but I have a constant fog in my head and I don't feel like this will ever end. I feel like I am not doing my job as a wife and mother. I wish I had any advice for you but I am feeling the same way. I know that deep breathing works for me some what but I don't want to get on meds either and I'm trying to hold out. But it is getting really tiring!

04-22-2012, 02:37 PM
It is SO tiring. I have no energy and my head always feels cloudy,like your saying. Like everything is too bright and overwhelming. I spend my whole day waiting for my boyfriend to get home so I feel a little better. Hopefully we find something that helps us soon.

04-22-2012, 06:33 PM
I wanted to tell you I had a really good talk with a friend of mine last night who has successfully dealt with anxiety for almost 10 years. She made the really good point of facing my fears. I thought well my fear is of dying how do I face that. The more we talked the more I thought I need to make a will and power of attorney and do things so that I know if something were to happen to me my family would be okay. Whatever is deep down inside of you that is haunting you, maybe you need to face it. I have already started making steps towards those thing and I am starting to feel better. Just a thought 😃