View Full Version : Tmj

04-19-2012, 05:56 PM
Has anyone experienced extremely bad tmj with their anxiety? I have it so bad that my head rings constantly and I can't even think. Any suggestions oh how to relax your jaw and help this would be much appreciated. I am getting splints next week but for 3 months I have had a headache and any sort of relief until then would be amazing. :-)

04-19-2012, 06:02 PM
I was just researching tmj last night actually cause my jaw gets really sore due too clinching at night! Right now it feel ok but somedays it hurts! Is yours every single day?? Try to relax your face muscles which relaxes you jaw I find that to help me when I have pain

04-19-2012, 08:23 PM
Yes I have experienced horrible TMJ! Have you tried magnesium? Specifically a product called Natural Calm. Its a powdered form that is highly absorbable and you just mix with water before bedtime and drink it. It seemed to really help my TMJ pain.

04-19-2012, 08:42 PM
It is pretty much every day. I will have a day or two with out it but its almost always there. And I haven't thought about magnesium, I am really sensitive to any sort of stimulant and in the past for some odd reason magnesium makes my heart race, but maybe it was something else in the mixture, I will have to give that a try, thanks for your responses