View Full Version : Has this ever happened to you?

04-19-2012, 04:11 PM
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to see if this has ever happened to someone. I've been experiencing extreme anxiety for the past week, the worst I have ever had. It's just not a panic attack here or there, but feeling anxiety and uncomfortable all day. At the beginning of the week, I met with a psychologist and deep down inside I think I was hoping he would say something was wrong with me and I needed to be on medicine (I've been on medicine before and went off and have been trying to stay off). Of course he didn't, and he talked about learning different breathing techniques and positive thinking, which sounds great. So this week, I've been working really hard on calming myself, taking vitamins, and drinking chamomile tea. The past few days have definitely been better, but I still have been feeling anxiety. This afternoon I have been really calm, feeling really good. But it's a weird feeling. You would think I'd be so happy to feel this way but I think I'm having anxiety about feeling okay. It's a viscous cycle. Has anyone ever experienced this?


Beautiful Disaster
04-19-2012, 11:53 PM
That sounds a lot like the issue I've been having. It's tough and I know you probably feel alone but please know that you're not. A lot of people currently and previously have felt the way you're feeling.

I tried coming off medication and after almost 2 months off I decided it was better for me to be back on it. It's been another couple months, upping thee dosage, doing therapy, etc, but I'm finally starting to feel better. I know what you mea about feeling better but still not comfortable.... Still feeling the anxiety in the back of your mind. I believe it does get better though. Things like deep breathing and relaxation techniques have helped in addition to meds.

Good luck!

04-20-2012, 11:21 AM
Definitely. After a bad bout of anxiety,feeling normal doesn't feel normal at all for a while because your not used to it. It goes away though. Really,it's a good point to be at. Your past the worst of it,and well on your way to feeling like yourself again. It's just a half way point. I can relate to "feeling better but still not comfortable" That's where I'm at too.