View Full Version : I can't take it anymore!!

04-19-2012, 12:03 PM
I can't take having anxiety anymore about stupid stuff that worrying isn't going to help anything at all. It's been going on severe for about 4 years maybe. I really don't know what's triggered it. I may have been being in my first serious relationship at 16 that it seemed to start. He was very abusive but it doesn't really bother me anymore so I'm not sure what my problem is. My main huge anxiety that just wont stop is having fear of death. Not of me dying but my family, husband, child. Etc. I know it is going to happen no matter what but the worrying won't stop! It's almost constantly on my mind of me trying to talk myself calm. Lol. The thing that really stresses me out is not knowing where we go when we die or if it's just the end & that's all, we're dead. I can't stand to think of it. It's so scary to me because I have SO many ppl I care about n I've never had a death of anyone close to me my whole life but I've had a scary nervous feeling lately. I'm not sure what I'm asking but does anyone has advice or any therapy that has helped? Has anyone completely gotten rid of there severe anxiety? I'm so upset n depressed that I am like this. I just want to enjoy life n have fun. I am on Zoloft 50mg daily. They tried to up it but it made me so tired n worse!

Beautiful Disaster
04-19-2012, 11:41 PM
I have the same anxieties about death as you do. I haven't really found a way to get rid of those anxieties specifically but medication has helped calm me down a lot. How long have you been on the Zoloft? I know it took a couple months of being on Prozac until the dose was right and I started feeling better.

04-20-2012, 04:27 AM
Hello, I got anxiety when I was 18 was scared of death and I was really bad with it my thoughts were very bad an symptoms. It eventually went when I went to a counselor , they really helped. sometimes why people get anxiety is when they have not dealt with issues in the past. Just a question do you think you have dealt with your past with the abusive boyfriend? whats on your mind. anxiety is just a build up of stress that you didn't deal with it when an issue occurs. I hope it helps. You will enjoy life again :)

04-20-2012, 09:17 AM
Thank u both do much. I was on Zoloft for a few months then I quit taking it cause I got pregnant so now I just started back on it about 3 months ago. Honestly I was thinking of seeing a counselor just wasn't too sure if it was worth it but I might try it!!