View Full Version : Anxiety and tirdness

04-19-2012, 02:08 AM
Hi I suffer with anxiety on a regular basis and if i have one bad day with anxiety the day after I suffer with extreme tiredness even though I have had enough sleep the nite b4 , I feel totally out ov it, sore heavy eyes , lack ov interest , no motivation at all , then the day after that I'm full ov energy again , does anybody else get like this?

04-19-2012, 03:16 AM
Anxiety can take a heavy toll on your body, even if it doesn't feel like it at first.

Biologically, anxiety means your nervous system is on high alert- it thinks there is an imminent threat to you, and focuses your entire body to prepare to either run or fight. This biological response not only involves almost every part of your body, but in a very extreme fashion (since your body thinks it is literally life or death).

Even if you aren't having a full panic attack, a heightened level of anxiety puts your body to work, and you will certainly feel out of it the next day.

04-19-2012, 07:31 AM
Fatigue with anxiety is very common. Your mind is constantly wondering and worrying. For me, I am thinking literally every second of the day, and of course that's going to make me exhausted. I am lucky enough that I can sleep at night because I am so exhausted from constantly thinking something is wrong with me.

Tobias Johnson
04-19-2012, 10:17 AM
Anxiety can be tiring and stressful to both body and mind. However, I have noticed to that if I am overly tired, I generally am more likely to have anxiety attacks throughout the day.