View Full Version : Fear of heart problems

04-18-2012, 06:56 PM
I've suffered from anxiety for 10 years. I'm 25 and my biggest symptom is chest pain. Most days the pain is barely noticeable and other days I think I'm going to die. I get tightness, pressure, sharp pains, racing heart, and sometimes i feel like my heart skips beats. I've been to the ER several times where they ran an EKG and blood tests that always came back normal. My biggest fear is that what if it is a heart problem and I'll just suddenly die. If the tests came back normal does this mean that my heart is healthy, or do those tests not prove too much?

04-18-2012, 07:46 PM
I have been feeling this same way for the last 6 months, I have had 4 EKGs, 2 D Dimer tests, 2 chest X-rays and a holier monitor in the last month and they all have come back normal. I had my latest freak out moment today b/c I had a cool sensation on my chest all day long and I couldn't make it go away until I realized that I had worn the shirt I had on today the last time I used peppermint oil and even though I washed it the oil still stayed on my shirt, so I took a shower and the sensation went away. I have the hardest time when I am in the middle of an anxiety attack accepting what is really going on. I have had all the same symptoms as you and it sounds like all the same test. I am calm right now and so I can say that I truly believe that there is nothing wrong with your heart it is just anxiety. My doctor told me that I have been dealing with these feelings for 6 months now and if there was something wrong with my heart it would have presented it self by now and I think it is the same for you. But if you do not feel comfortable with the thought that it is anxiety then make your doctor run more tests, There are other test that can be done like I think it is called an echocardiogram, ultra sound and a monitor that you wear on your wrist for 2 weeks. Also have you thought about asking your doctor to put you on a low dose of propranolol. That really helps me with the palpitations racing heart and pressure. I read an article by a doctor online that said that everyone has times when their heart skips beats and this does not mean your heart is unhealthy. Its just a normal part of the heart. I hope this helps a little. :-)

bryan kellogg
04-18-2012, 09:53 PM
I get pain and an achy feeling in my upper chest as well and in my upper back I think they're all just muscles I have had several stress test and ekgs and all of mine came back normal as well yeah I also believe the back has large amount of muscle in them

04-19-2012, 06:23 AM
Hello, all the symptoms u describe is related to Anxiety,you mind is taking control of your body. I have went to hospital too got me heart hooked up to a machine, blood test and urine test and doctor said my heart 100 % healthy. found nothing. I too am 25 . At 25 as the doctor said to me should be healthy. I think you should do see a counselor. Have you stress in your life? whats bothering you? an attack can happen and you might not know why it came on you. My advice is go see a counselor, go to your doctor as for advice and support. I hope it helps.

04-20-2012, 07:17 AM
Hello, I can relate to you. I used to get chest pain when I was you get but never really brought it to anyones attention (I was afraid) one day I got it and finally pushed me to go to the hospital. They did EKG, blood tests, chest X-ray, heart monitor. Came back and told me at my age (23), not being a smoker, drinker, and at healthy weight, that I had almost a zero chance of having a heart issue. The doctor deemed it as anxiety. For the past few months since then, I have had chest pain off and on, and every time it comes I freak. Costrochondritis seems to be the best explanation for what we actually feel. And it also can cause anxiety.

10-18-2012, 08:52 PM
I totally relate that's my biggest fear as we speak i constantly check my heart rate grabbing my chest and checking my pulse I get scared at night because I think I won't wake up from sleep I even don't eat because I think it'll stop my heart

I've had every tests done which came out normal & I have anxiety basically ..

I'm glad to share that with you all

10-19-2012, 01:11 AM
The problem is, the heart can be felt... like a mechanical device and so we stress at the feeling of it.

The heart, like all our organs is designed to work forever.
Unless you have a congenital heart or vascular defect... or your arteries are blocked then rest assured it will NEVER just stop beating. Hearts don't do that... EVER

(Even if the primary signals fail... there are actually 2 more backup signals!)

Relax, leave your heart alone. If you continue to focus on it you will continue to be anxious about it.