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04-18-2012, 04:06 PM
hey guys, ill start by saying that I have never been clinically diagnosed with anything of this nature before. I have done some research on the topic because my brain has been constantly attacking itself for the last few days and im at the end of my rope.

I am attending school overseas and this has required a bit of an adjustment. I experienced an attack or something early in the year when i was getting settles in my new surroundings. i didn't think much ofnit an moved on. I started seeing a woman in October and we ended things in December. We have attempted to remain friends but it has caused me much worry. i keep having anxiety about it and in spite of the fact that I ended it im intensely jealous and the other day i feel like i made a fool of myself.

im going to talk to someone in mental health tomorrow.

im trying not to be friends with this girl anymore or to reduce her impact on my life. its hard though and i care a lot about her. im a bit of a mess right now.

04-20-2012, 06:22 AM
just bumping my own thread here. I purchased a product called Kalms from the local grocery. It contains Valerium extract and some sort of hops product. so far its been very mild in its effects on me. I still carry massive tension in my jaw.

have any of you used this product?