View Full Version : Hey guys its me again.... back with an update

04-18-2012, 01:00 PM
Not taking meds... havent really had really bad panic attacks in awhile.... i think im starting to overcome this thing... but i still have the physical symptoms... crazy right? my head still gets pressure every now and then and ive been having this on and of head ache along with chest pain this is also on and off... and what feels pins in needles on my fingers... also weird thing is that my left leg felt like it either went numb or fell asleep but who knows these days with anxiety right? i tell myself the way i feel is proble because of anxiety and most the time i except it and everything but just wish everything would just go away... my doctor doesnt think theres anything wrong with me but idk ive never got a second opinion .. i actually dont know how i would even go abouts getting a second opinion... for that matter though im not doing that bad... i also have dizzyness sometimes really bad.... and what feels like jolts of energy for no reason... and other times i feel like crap and dont want to do nothings and i feel confused... like my head got something stuck in it.... but all in all at least im not having panic attacks as frequent right? just wish someone could tell me how long i have to deal with the physical symptoms untill there actually gone.. i also have pain in both ears like a sharp pain but not really that bad... even though i used the word sharp maybe its more like a dull pain... but i also went to my doctor and he says i shouldnt worry about it...

04-18-2012, 01:36 PM
it's good that you are no longer having panic attacks :D

as for the ear pain...is it like the pain you get when you've slept on your ear and you wake up with that awful ache in it?
if it is, i get that also. it drives me mad. i went to the docs, and she said if it didn't go within a few weeks she was going to send me for a scan. it's still here, but i'm sick of going to the doctors, and i'm too scared lol

04-18-2012, 03:29 PM
Thanks Kev I'll keep that in mind... Lol I kinda feel jittery as well... And I've gotten blood tests done and the only bad about me is my cholesterol

04-18-2012, 03:37 PM
Not sure if it is anxiety or not but my sinuses feel fine lol..