View Full Version : no sleep and anxiety

04-18-2012, 05:38 AM
Hey all, i have been battling anxiety for 3 months with a variety of symptoms. The thing thing that bothers me the most is i have a sinus infection that i have had for about 2 months and nothing has helped it, and im leaning towards it being related to anxiety and triggering most of it. But anyways my schedule was messed up i was getting to bed at like 4 am and sleeping in so when i first decided to stay up all night i was fine untill the morning hours where i began to get shortness of breathe and tingling. This has happened twice and it gets worse when i stay up all night. As i am writing this i have decided to stay up all night again and i havnt had any numbness for like a week+but 5 min ago i developed numbness in my face. I am wondering if you guys get worse symptoms when getting little sleep or no sleep at all like i do! thanks guys

04-18-2012, 06:41 AM
Hi there,

Do some research on cicardian rhythm. Wikipedia has a pretty good page explaining it, but it is basically your body clock, how it works and what can happen when you mess with it.

This is something i have discussed with my therapist a lot. I'm a night owl - I work and concentrate better at night. During my first bout of anxiety, I struggled badly with insomnia. I wasn't working and finished study and would generally sleep from 5am until noon. Boy did it f*ck me up!!

Reversing your sleeping pattern messes with your cicardian rhythm, or body clock A LOT. It will make your anxiety a LOT harder to manage. You need to get on top of this as soon as you can.

I suggest you talk to your Doctor or pharmacist. Herbal teas, valerian and other natural remedies would be the way to go, but if you feel you need something a bit stronger, your Dr may be able to help.

Good luck!! I hope you get it sorted out! It's worth it, I promise!