View Full Version : How to aproach the Doc.

04-17-2012, 07:07 PM
Hey guys!! so im finally going to the doctors to try to get some anxiety meds and hope my symptoms are anxiety related.. I just want to know couple of things and ur insight on it.. how should I aproach the doctor?? should I tell him about it or should I just let him tell me my symptoms are indeed anxiety??

04-17-2012, 07:29 PM
What I have done in the past is go to the doctor with a written list of all my symptoms and feelings. I then ask him if it could be: a brain tumor, heart attack or anxiety :) Then I let him take over and explain to me what is going on.

It is very important that you talk openly and honestly with your doctor. And remember that you are your own advocate as far as your wellness goes. If something the doctor says doesn't seem to jive, it's okay to get a second opinion, but let it go at 2 opinions. Anxiety sufferers tend to hit up as many doctors as we can trying to find that magic bullet.

I hope this helps :)

04-17-2012, 07:55 PM
I see.. Ok thank you..

04-17-2012, 10:58 PM
My list:

-Anxiety Disorder

-left side weakness
-left eye pain
-headache on left side of the head
-back pain (spine)
-low back pain
-neck stiffness

I might still be missing some...

How embarrassing! my list is long :/

04-18-2012, 04:36 AM
Here is my updated list

-IBS in 2007/8
-Anxiety Disorder2008
-BPPV Jan 2012

Meclizine 25mg
Tylenol 500mg

-motion sensation laying down
-left side weakness (comes and goes)
-eye pain ( more the Left )
-headache on left side of the head
-red eyes
-neck stiffness/throat pain
-head pressure
-ringing in ears
-brain fog/Derealization

04-18-2012, 07:04 AM
Here was my list that I gave my psychiatrist so that I wouldn't forget to tell her anything... Initially, I suspected Social Anxiety and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. She confirmed them but said I also had depression.. Anyway, here's the list.. (I'm taking Ativan and Prozac now):

Thought it was Social Anxiety because:
* Am scared to talk in front of others no matter what group size (if it’s not family members) and even if I’ve done it before with the same group.
* I start feeling really flush in the face and my hands get sweaty
* My feet sweat
* Diarrhea (Yeah I know, blah!)
* Will start dreading and obsessively thinking about events days to weeks in advance.

Thought it was Generalized Anxiety Disorder because:
* I always feel on edge or uneasy
* I stress so much that I cause myself to have diarrhea (yeah I know.. again right??)
* I worry about things that aren’t worth even thinking twice about or that I can’t control
* I yell at my children all of the time (daily). No matter what they’re doing, everything they do seems to irritate me and I yell. I have made my children cry just from yelling, my daughter said I scare her from the yelling, and my middle son cries a lot and tells me that I yelled at him when he did nothing wrong and doesn’t understand what he did.
* I sometimes have nightmares from the things I’ve worried about obsessively
* It takes me forever to fall asleep at night because I can’t shut my mind off and get it to quit thinking about the problems.
* I wake up still stressed and thinking about the problems.
* I obsessively worry about things days/weeks in advance and daily when I start to really get upset about something. My husband will tell me that he can’t understand why I’m even stressing over something that won’t change or that isn’t worth it.
* I feel overwhelmed all of the time whether it’s from housework, bills, the kids, my student loans (big stress causer), etc.. I’m constantly feeling overwhelmed (even if the housework is just a sink full of dishes and dirty laundry to do).
* When I get really stressed, I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders and I get really hot feeling in the face. The other day, I had been so stressed out from the kids that I suddenly felt like the room or the air was thick, that my whole body was really stiff, tense, and generally achy all over.. After I calmed down, all of those symptoms went away and I just had to deal with my attitude I was feeling towards my children.
* The romance part of my marriage has declined heavily to the point where I’d just rather not even try. I usually have so many things running through my head that I’m worrying about that trying to fit in romance is just really hard to even think about. I feel bad about it and feel bad for my husband but I seem to push him away more than I should.
* (Oh and let’s include the forever there stress of my life, and that’s with the fact that I’m overweight. I can do something about it but it seems like I end up sitting around being depressed about it rather than doing something about it. I bought Zumba but have only used it twice in the nearly year and a half that I’ve had it!)

***I recently started working on the overweight issue.. Starting from March 12th til now I've nearly lost 21 pounds..***