View Full Version : The De Ja Vu Effect...

01-13-2007, 11:33 AM
When doctors or people close to me are asking me about how I feel when I say, "I get really surreal moments , when things don't seem quite real."

The best way I can explain it is the common feeling of deja vu.
Although it's worse and lasts longer.

Someone will be talking and we'll be sitting in the living room and I'm suddenly thinking --- "I've done this before, he's said this before, everything is the same way it was before. But when? When was it like this? Did I dream this? Am I dreaming this now? I'm not awake? If this has happened before, then perhaps it's a sign for something bad?" Etc, etc, etc. That's what my dialogue to myself in my head sounds like.

Cue the fuzzy nerve feeling throughout your body, the light-headedness, the widening of your eyes (or it feels like that) and the need to flee or your throat "clogging" up, hands and fingers not feeling real.

Those close to me have gotten so used to my deja vu freakouts that they can pick them up when I get them. "Are you alright?" or my mother, "Are you having an attack?"

Does anyone else experience this depersonalizing effect , too?

If so, when do you get it most often?

Is it around others? Alone?

I usually can get it anywhere.

01-14-2007, 06:17 AM
God yes loads of people, its a common triat among sufferers. I sure you'll get plenty of others replying telling you the same.


02-01-2007, 11:47 AM
I know this feeling all too well. It can actually be scary sometimes. I am learning that if I just "float" with the feelings instead of fight it, it doesn't seem to last long. Sometimes I get to thinking "what if" I have this feeling and don't snap out of it. I've always known that I had anxiety and panic attacks at times, but it never really bothered until a few months ago. I've been going to therapy since Nov. and have been told I have OCD. Believe me your not alone and never feel like you are.

02-01-2007, 02:46 PM
oh god yes, ive gotten this and thinking that this isnt going to go away why am i so weird but you are not weird and it is something that happens to sufferers!! its ok with the above post, its right go with the flow and things will get better.... they will