View Full Version : One Month In-Update

04-17-2012, 05:05 PM
It has been 1 month since I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression and began taking med's. I have to say that I've seen a complete turn around in myself. I no longer really yell at my kids, we laugh more, I'm happier, I'm more cheerful around my husband, and just overall doing much better.

I went today to see my doctor for a checkup/update and she liked everything I said. I even told her that I've lost 20 pounds in the last month just be watching what I ate, how much I eat, and doing exercising.. :)

I should have asked her this but I figured it'd be covered at my therapy appointment next week. However, I'm wanting to ask you all just to get an idea of what to expect. Where do we go from here? Do they just keep you on meds for x amount of months? How do you know when you don't need it all anymore? I know that therapy will help me to work through the root causes of my stress and depression.. But this is all just so new to me. I feel so much like the old me and happy all the time.. I just don't want it to go away and leave me with the agitated, stressed out, irritated and anxious woman that I was a month ago..

Can anyone shed some light on this for me?? Thanks in advance!

04-17-2012, 06:32 PM
That's such positive news. I m so glad to hear you're feeling a lot better.

Discuss your concerns with your therapist. I really depends on what you want. Medication can be used short or long term. Depending on the pills you are taking, you could be on them from 3 months +

Good luck with your therapy appointment.

04-17-2012, 07:59 PM
Oh I am so glad to hear you are feeling better! I personally have been on meds for 5 years. I just went back on. But it is different for everyone. Just have an open and honest relationship with your doctor and ask her, as well as the therapist, for their opinion :)

04-18-2012, 06:56 AM
My only real concern now is... When I had my initial visit, she had asked how my sex life was.. I explained that I rarely have interest in having sex. I have no problems when I'm actually having sex, but I just never seem to be "in the mood".. She told me that if I had date nights with my husband and worked on having more "us" time where we focus on ourselves and not mention the kids or work; that it would help my "interests".. She said that as the med's kick in, they should also help since one of the reasons I wasn't in the mood was because I was always thinking about the days events or things coming up..

BUT.. while I'm no longer constantly stressing over the days events or other things, I'm still not "in the mood" very often... Is there some other type of med that would help with this or is this type of thing something I should just discuss with my OB/GYN? My psychiatrist said that at our next visit if I still wasn't showing much improvement, she'd switch me to a different med and she suggested that I have my appointment with the OB/GYN just to verify that everything is normal... But just curious as to see if anyone else is dealing with this too??? I'm currently taking Ativan and Prozac...