View Full Version : How to overcome fear of going out in public because of panic attacks

04-17-2012, 12:38 PM
I had a bad panic attack away from home 3 weeks ago. Ever since,I've had anxiety issues. I have GAD,but it's usually manageable and I've never had agoraphobic symptoms before. Now I'm avoiding most public places. Grocery stores,Wal-Mart,etc.The only places I've been going is to my parents (where I'm most comfortable away from home),and gas stations. My boyfriend has to drive me,as I've stop driving as well. I'm able to have good days at home,and decent days at my parents. But even just thinking about having to go in a store or any other public event makes me anxious. I'm terrified of having a panic attack in public. It's stopping me from doing a lot of things I want/need to do. Things have to be picked up for me and brought to my house.

I sit at home all the time,when I normally never want to be home. I can't totally pinpoint what caused the anxiety increase. There's a few things it could be. I should probably go to the doctor,but I'm trying to see if I can get past this on my own.

My question is, is it possible I will just snap out of this?

Does taking a benzodiazepine before going out in public help?

Please share any advice/tips