View Full Version : leftside of body weakness

04-16-2012, 10:31 PM
so I was good all day.. then like 1 hour ago I started feeling weakness on my leftside of body from my head to leg.. I has these before but this time it was more stronger.. I'm scare now.. it's going away though..I took a tylenol like around 9pm.. but I got scare. :/ should I go to te ER??

04-16-2012, 10:43 PM
it's gone now. .. but I'm Concern now :/ was that a anxiety/panick attack?? I mean how can that be of I wasnt freaking out all day :(

04-16-2012, 10:52 PM
so I was good all day.. then like 1 hour ago I started feeling weakness on my leftside of body from my head to leg.. I has these before but this time it was more stronger.. I'm scare now.. it's going away though..I took a tylenol like around 9pm.. but I got scare. :/ should I go to te ER??

You should consider seeking medical attention even though you are not noticing any symptoms any more. This may sound silly, but can you stick your tongue out and move it to both the right side and the left side? If you are unable to do this action then you should promptly seek treatment for something as serious as a stroke, etc. This is just my opinion and I hope you are okay. If there is a nursing hotline you can call, you may want to try that method just to get an explanation of what may have happened to you.

04-16-2012, 10:58 PM
it's all gone now :/ yea I can stick my tongue out and move it left to right.. but I'm concern of what was that :/

04-16-2012, 11:09 PM
it's all gone now :/ yea I can stick my tongue out and move it left to right.. but I'm concern of what was that :/

Sometimes with that feeling of complete left side body numbness, it can be associated with the signs of a Stroke. (that was the reason for you sticking your tongue out...it is not a guarantee about whether or not a Stroke had occurred, but it can definitely help knowing if you had the symptoms of having a stroke...if you are still able to move your tongue in both directions and can speak in full sentences, those are generally relatively positive signs of not having a stroke. I would definitely recommend speaking to a physician or a nurses hot line to see if they can provide you with any further insight upon what occurred to you today.

04-16-2012, 11:19 PM
Thank you... Yea I feel fine now.. yea I can read..type and all.. it wasn't numbness.. It was more like weakness.. yea I have a docs appointment next Thursday....so I'm gonna tell him about it.. Like I said .. I had these epesodes before in the past jut that this one was a little stronger. And I freaked out I'm not gonna lie.. :/

04-16-2012, 11:38 PM
Thank you... Yea I feel fine now.. yea I can read..type and all.. it wasn't numbness.. It was more like weakness.. yea I have a docs appointment next Thursday....so I'm gonna tell him about it.. Like I said .. I had these epesodes before in the past jut that this one was a little stronger. And I freaked out I'm not gonna lie.. :/

You're welcome...You don't need to be ashamed of feeling freaked out about what had happened, worrying about the unknown is normal and I would do the same if I were in your position.
I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, periodic limb movement disorder, IBS, chronic low back pain, panic attacks, migraines, frequent headaches, severe depression...I am all jumbled up with conditions lol, so I definitely can understand freaking out about something you are not familiar with. I've recently have been experiencing numbness and tingling in my extremities and I went straight to the doctor (numbness was not the norm for fibro patients). At the end of some extensive testing, I ended up having no real explanation for my tingling/numbing sensations.
Do you have any other conditions separate from anxiety? It could also be some sort of side effect for a new medication. Who knows? :)

04-16-2012, 11:57 PM
Yea I have anxiety, depression, IBS.. Sucks to feel like this dude.. I'm 26years old and I don't want to feel like this .. I'm. Not on any medication as we speak.. but that is why I'm going to doctors next week because I feel they could really help me out..I freak out about my physical symptoms and think I have the worse.. I been feeling quite well for the past two days.. just that early incident but I have faith in myself and in god..I will move on and I will overcome this :/

04-17-2012, 12:10 AM
Not gonna lie! That incident ruin my night :/ I was gonna go to te gym.. Now I feel all down Togo :(

04-17-2012, 06:47 AM
My boyfriend suffers from anxiety and he gets the same thing. Left side gets weak..it passes and then he's back to normal. I mean you should always get those things looked at anyway..just to be sure.

04-17-2012, 06:47 AM
I just started taking medicine too..be strong..hang in there.

04-17-2012, 12:11 PM
Definitely understand. I'm 24 and worry that I may never feel better again. I agree it sucks, but try to keep your head up :). I'm glad you have a doctor's appointment! Remember that it may take a couple tries to get the right combination of medicine. It can be an extremely frustrating process but I noticed "some" improvement while on medicine.