View Full Version : Rough evening/night

04-16-2012, 09:43 PM
Using all possible coping skills (just did 15 min of guided meditation) but having a really rough time tonight. Even with that and the meds still all this anxiety, tonight it's so bad it feels physically painful. Think this is my 2nd "breakthrough" panic attack of the day which is unusual... No clear antecedents so why?:(I know it will pass but man riding out this wave is making me sad... All this wasted time trying to manage the fear... Such a waste

04-17-2012, 06:42 AM
I totally feel your pain. I felt horrible last night. I had the racing, weird thoughts..I was tired but couldn't sleep..I just recently startes medication for anxiety but I'm hoping it'll make me better..I take paxil. What are you on??