View Full Version : Is anxiety contagious?

04-16-2012, 06:46 PM
Obviously I know it isn't contagious in the regular way. Lately I have been suffering all day every day. It has been really bad to the point where I am crying and miserable at all times. My husband is great and supportive and totally here for me. He lets me sleep all day if I want and helps me with the kids. He is without anxiety or depression. However, today he had a full blown panic attack. I am so riddled with guilt over this. I really think I gave him my anxiety. Has this happened to anyone else? Maybe this is tougher for him to deal with than I realize?

04-17-2012, 06:45 AM
I agree. He is probably overwhelmed! Things can seem perfectly okay and then bam..outta no where u just feel awful. Sometimes we stress over things we don't even know we are stressing about. Anxiety and stress work in very mysterious ways. I've donating decided to take charge of mine...you get to a point where you just can't let it run your life anymore. I hope you and your husband both start to feel better. Anxiety sucks!