View Full Version : Anxiety and hangovers

04-16-2012, 03:21 PM
Hi there just wondered if anybody suffers worser anxiety wen they are hungover? I feel a lot worse wen hungover xx

04-16-2012, 06:00 PM
Yeah, I've felt that too. I would assume its because the alcohol raises your blood pressure and gets you in a state of anxiety

04-16-2012, 06:17 PM
Oh course!!! Big time. Gaba(calming neurotransmitter) is released along with dopamine when you drink alcohol so the next day.....you're low on Gaba which causes the increase in anxiety along with a higher sensitivity to light and sound. Your electrolytes(sodium and potassium) are also off so you're dehydrated and need water. Being really dehydrated brings on a headache as the brain gets a little inflamed so rehydrate!!! But it's mostly the low Gaba from having it released via the alcohol the night before. It will build back up in time(Gaba receptors are what benzos work on). Plus you miss out on some REM sleep from the alcohol so have a nap if you can. REM sleep is important for feeling well(and being well as you know). Blood sugar is also off a bit. So that's why anxiety and alcohol are not best buds so I just drink quality alcohol(good beer in my case) and don't overdo it. Drink water and get something to eat in the AM the next day. The hangover fades but slower as you get older:(. Alankay

04-16-2012, 07:33 PM
I hate my life the day after drinking. I cannot shake the panic. I literally feel like I'm dying. And the guilt of overindulging haunts me all day. I'm a huge hypochondriac so this really makes it worse. Plus lately I'm getting the odd premature heart palp. It's awful. Anyone get these?

04-17-2012, 07:20 AM
Yes same here when hungover I feel terrible for around 3 days and almost certainly have some sort of episode after drinking,it's annoying me as most of my social life was based around going out for drinks.i never use to get hangovers and use to drink most days.ever since iv suffered from anxeity I find it hard to enjoy going out as of the fear of having a panic attack

04-17-2012, 08:24 AM
My doctor told me alcohol resets the GABA rceptors for up to a week and if you drink often it can take a year