View Full Version : Hi I'm new. 31 yrs old mum of 2 wanting advice on hypnotherapy and diazepam

04-16-2012, 05:05 AM
Hi, after 5 yrs of anxiety and panic attacks I finally managed to come off citalipram an was doing ok until this week. I had a smear test done which came back abnormal and since hen have had terrible anxiety , leading to 4 panic attack lasting 6 hrs last night. The doctor has put me straight back on citalipram today and has also given me diazepam. Does anyone know much about this as if I research on the Internet ill only be drawn to the side effects . Also ve booked into hypnotherapy this week as I don't know what else to do which is expensive so wonderd I anyone else has tried this method for treatment.

04-16-2012, 07:41 AM
I use diazepam and it helps allot......tons in fact. If it makes you drowsy, it was a bit too much. Still very anxious, not enough. It's a fine med and if used right, can be a life saver. Been around since 1963 for various reasons mosty it works well and quickly. Just use as little as possible until the citalopram kicks in. Alankay.

04-16-2012, 04:18 PM
I use diazepam and it helps allot......tons in fact. If it makes you drowsy, it was a bit too much. Still very anxious, not enough. It's a fine med and if used right, can be a life saver. Been around since 1963 for various reasons mosty it works well and quickly. Just use as little as possible until the citalopram kicks in. Alankay.

Thanks Alankay that's really helpful. Tonight I'm managing with breathing so far but I have these for back up lol if all goes wrong