View Full Version : potential to be a hoarder...

04-14-2012, 11:56 AM
i think i've got the potential to be a cat hoarder! :eek:

i've got 3, 2 boys and a girl. the boys are fixed, but i think the girl is pregnant.
i have already told my partner that i am keeping a kitten and that there's nothing he can do about it lol

anyway, i have been obsessing over cats lately. i have even joined a forum, or 2.
so today, while i was on the forum, i noticed i had been reading up alot about bengals.
they are gorgeous! now i want one.
i've been searching prices online and stuff to see how much they are, and i told my bf that i want one.

because i am the way i am, he just kind of went along with me.
so i got all excited, and now i'm gutted as he says i need to get with the real world.
i can see where he is coming from as i have 4 kids, 1 dog and 3 cats, 1 of which is possibly pregnant! plus, i'm also planning on keeping a kitten!

he says that it's a good job my parents live so close to me to keep me in check, as i would have had loads of cats by now! i have to say, i think he might be right!
when i got misty, i did have 2 lined up originally, but her little sister died at 1 week old :(

is it potential hoarding, or is it just that i love cats and the more the merrier?
he constantly tells me i am a hoarder. especially with the cats, so now i'm questioning things...

04-15-2012, 02:07 AM
Maybe he is joking around, or maybe it's serious.

Are you able to FULLY manage these animals? Is having that many pets and kids already causing any problems? Are you having any problems with pet hair or bad smells? Do you think cats are a hobby, or an OBSESSION? Is your home big enough?

I have 2 cats and would love more! But my place isn't big enough, the other cats wouldn't like it, I don't have the time to take care of more, and it would cost too much. You have to honestly be able to assess these things. If you think it would be problematic, but want to do it anyways that could be leaning towards hoarding.

04-15-2012, 06:09 AM
I am also a cat lover and would have as many as I could squeeze into my house if I could. I have 2 beautiful Burmese cats that I love more than anything.

I agree with the above noter - assess your situation honestly. There is nothing wrong with having 3 or more cats if you can afford to neuter them, feed them properly and spare the love and attention that they require.

As for the current Bengal desire. I would recommend doing extensive research on the breed. They are larger and more playful than your typical cats and have special requirements in terms of care, attention and exercise. Breeders that I have spoken to think they take as much time and effort as a pet dog. They can also be quite aggressive towards other cats, which could result in nasty fights with the cats you already have.

If you really want to have more cats and kittens around and have the space and resources to do so, I suggest looking into fostering kittens for one of your local animal welfare organizations. My Mum does this and has helped socialise and care for well over 100 kittens in the past few years. You get to save the kittens from spending their formative weeks in a little cage. They get to socialise with people and other pets and have a far better chance at getting adopted when they go back to the shelter. It's really rewarding.

And from what I am aware of hoarding, you wouldn't be asking this question if you really were a hoarder. You'd just do it regardless.

Cat huggles to you xxx >^^<

04-15-2012, 09:10 AM
bhamlaxy - he's definitely serious lol

i am currently able to fully manage these animals, and kids lol. they aren't causing any extra problems. yes, pet hair is there but anybody with pets has to deal with that problem. i have a washer that deals with pet hair, a dryer to help with pet hair, and an animal dyson hoover. so it's pretty controllable. there is no bad smells, apart from when they use the litter tray, but i deal with that asap.
i love cats, i don't think it's a hobby. i do think i'm bordering on obsession though.
my home isn't big enough for more. thats why i asked about this. as much as i love animals...i know it wouldn't be good to get anymore. thats why i think it's a problem...if i was left on my own, i really think i would go for it and get more.
i actually went in a huff with my bf when he says no. im still gutted about it.....but i DO understand. i wouldn't want to cause any stress on the cats, and this is why i feel it's a problem.

i did think about this, and i messaged somebody about fostering cats. i'm waiting to hear back. my first question was, would it be wise with my current situation, or would it be best to wait until the kids are all at school.
so it's not something that i'm going to just rush into!

it's not the first thing i've hoarded, i do hoard little other things. so thats why it triggered something in my brain when i got huffy about the bengal, and the fact it's not the first time my bf mentioned it.
realistically, i would be taking it too far getting a bengal. the want of having one does overpower the realistic side of it though.
which is why if it wasn't for my bf, i think i would get out of control.

i would just hate, hate, hate to get to one of these people, who when all the kids have grown and moved out - i then end up with hundreds of cats, that as much as i love and adore, i can't afford to keep all of them in the best health :( i would hate myself for that. i see it happen so much on the tv, so i'm worried incase that is a possibility for me! :(

04-15-2012, 10:22 AM
My question is who WOULDN'T want to hoard cats :) I wish I could have 100! I love the two that I have, but I would love more :) I think you're just an animal lover. I agree with the poster that said that if you were a hoarder it wouldn't even cross your mind :)

04-15-2012, 10:42 AM
i suppose you both have a really good point!
it wouldn't cross my mind if i was a hoarder, i guess!
i am an animal lover, and yeah i would also love to have loads.

it's probably just my anxiety, kicking off because i've been using a cat forum alot lately, and so that's all my anxiety can pick up on lol
dya reckon that is the case? just my anxiety?

04-15-2012, 10:49 AM
Personally, I would say it's just your anxiety, but that being said, I agree that you need to take a look at the situation and ensure you are looking at it from a logical standpoint. If you are unable to take care of the animals, then you shouldn't get more, but that doesn't sound like the problem.

04-15-2012, 11:06 AM
i really don't think i would take on an animal if i couldn't give it everything it needed.
i rehomed one of my border collies when things were getting too much for her. my other border collie started to turn on her at times. BUT i only gave her to a neighbour. i couldn't stand never seeing her again or knowing that she really was ok. now i see on a daily basis that she is happy and well looked after. so that makes me happy :)

as for this bengal. i think it's been a case of reading up alot about them, and being fascinated by the breed. i think i will get one, but not yet. i'm not allowed, and with my other cats, i don't think it would be a wise decision.
i am very like...how do i word it? hmm...once i get something in my head, i act on it...rather than thinking about it first.
i think that has been the problem here. only i haven't had the funds, and i wasn't prepared to fall out with my bf over it.

i think fostering cats once the kids are all at school is the way forward for me. it would definitely get rid of my urges to buy more cats. plus i would feel really good about helping the cats out, as i love helping animals in need :)
only problem then would be me falling in love with the fostered cats and taking them on myself lol

thank you all for your replies.
i think it is just my anxiety...:confused: