View Full Version : Your advice please!

Sam L
04-14-2012, 03:49 AM
Hi everyone,

I have been having feelings of anxiety for some time now, I went to the doctors yesterday my meds were upped from 20mg citalopram to 40mg. Over the past month or so anxiety has been getting worse ie finding it hard to breath, feel like I can't cope with small things. I would really like your opinions on how u cope with anxiety. I've never really spoke to anyone who suffers from anxiety and am starting to feel like I'm on my own.



04-14-2012, 11:45 AM
Hey Sam. I know exactly how you're feeling. My anxiety is usually episodic. I can go for months at a time feeling great, and then boom! It hits and I can feel miserable for weeks and sometimes months. Anxiety is such a despairing feeling and often times I find myself wanting to cry. I am determined though not to let it ruin my future. That in itself keeps me going. I know I have a lot to offer the world and am currently working in the mental health field myself. Nobody likes taking meds, me especially, but for emergency panic attack situations I always keep one or two Klonopin on me in case my coping skills fail. For coping skills, I try to pep talk myself. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Deep breathing is also hit or miss for me. The best thing I do is just try to go about my day as normal. It's hard to do that, but if I submerge myself into daily activities sometimes I just end up forgetting about my anxiety. It also helps doing things that you find enjoyable, for me it's reading. I can always get lost in a good book. Hope this helped some.