View Full Version : Occasional night time anxiety and don't want to use antidepressants :)

Holly Lynn Spurlock
04-13-2012, 10:55 AM
Good morning! My name is Holly, and I'm here to hopefully get some thoughts and opinions about my current situation. For the start of all this I was put on Zoloft for PPD after the birth of my last child. She is now 4, but have been having these issues since then. The zoloft gave me HORRIBLE insomnia, and I've had a fear of not sleeping, or not falling asleep since then. Was on the Zoloft for 2 years, but went off because it was really hurting my husband and I's sex life, and I honestly didn't feel depressed, and excited. I've had a bit of daytime anxiety the last few years, but have been able to deal with it through breathing, and calming myself down. I've recently went through a stage ( this all happened right around the day light savings time) of insomnia. I went into the doctor and he gave me some Lunesta, and again Zoloft after I told him that I didn't want to take that, and it gave me the fear I had today. The lunesta is great, and I've only been on it 3 weeks now, but was not satisfied with the shove zoloft down me so I choose to seek a Psychiatrist cause the anxiety is only nightly, and right before bed. She then told me I was depressed, and wants me to take Citalphram with another chance of screwing with my sex drive and sleep. I in all honesty do NOT feel depressed, and am very happy with my life. I have a very loving and caring husband, and two very healthy kids. I'm a stay at home mother, and that requires me to be there 24/7, and run the house while my husband works. I just need to know if there is anything I can do, or take to just help relieve an occasional night time anxiety about not being able to sleep? I've been keeping a sleep log, and the last 3-4 nights I've been asleep on the couch before bed, and even asleep before the Lunesta kicks in. But I think that's because I know that if I can't sleep the Lunesta is going to help me sleep, and the psychiatrist also gave me 30 days of Xanax which I haven't had to use, but feel save knowing that I can use if need to help me get through a nasty nights sleep. I know maybe this is all crazy, weird, and maybe confusing, but I really hope someone here can help me decide what I should do. I haven't started the antidepressants yet because I honestly don't know if I need them, and I do NOT want to take them. Is there anything else used for occasional anxiety besides the Xanax? I know all these are highly addictive, but I've never taken anything stronger than the Zoloft, and do not drink, or smoke. Just want to sleep, and be happy in the morning, and enjoy my family.

Please let me know if any of this is confusing, and needs a bit of explaining lol. I've got another appointment with the Psychiatrist on the 2nd, but I'm afraid she's going to be upset that I haven't started the antidepressant. I've also wanted to see who I do with out the Lunesta, and don't want to be on this more than I need to. I feel that my sleep maybe back to being better, but just need that feeling of being ok if I have an issue down the road.

Thank you all so much for your time, and reading my post!!


04-13-2012, 07:56 PM
Hi Holly,
Ultimately it is your choice alone as to whether you want to go on anti- depressants again. It's worth noting that psychiatrists will often prescribe an anti-d to help deal with feelings of anxiety as a short term solution.

I think you need to ask your psychiatrist a few questions about why she wants you on the medication and how long she would like you on them. Especially since you're not feeling overly depressed.

Good luck beating this x