View Full Version : I think im crazy

04-13-2012, 05:58 AM
Hey everyone i have been diagonzed with GAD and mild ocd if you read my older posts as you can see i have only improved while i was at the counscler and felt relief for quite some time... It was great then school started and my anxietyslowy crept back and now i am convinced i am crazy. I feel like crying when i look at my family and i see how beautiful they are and how i am so lucky and i love them so much and this is will taken away from me, i will ruin their lives if i go insane and my brother and sisters. i feel guilty for not being happy and how they payed money for the counsler to fix it and i dont want them to pay again and be dissapointed that i gave in to this anxiety but its just too scary and i just want everything the way it was. All because i had pot which set off a panic attack and turned my anxiety in a disorder which feels like it will never go forever. My parents 100% think im not crazy and so did my counsler but recently i was in a mates car and i wa extremly anxious and tired since it was like 11pm and i started evalutating and tryingto solve this schziophrenia fear and zoned out for like 10 minutes. The music was on and they where talking and then i hear my name called and the more i thought about how it sounded it kinda sounded like my mum and then that has made almost certain :(though i have found i mistake noises for voices when i am anxious or a noise will occur and i try figure out if its real then ill hear the dog bark again and see the dog haha even after the stuiped thing i am still so convinced i am. i told my mum this and she still thinks im not because of my personality. I am not unsociable i am apparently funny haha i enjoy djing which is my hobby i go to gym but it is sometimes hard to get motivation while anxious i find it hard to concentrate but i have always been like that. I hate to be all alone and i am very caring and love animals since my make me smile love my music love food and i have had this anxiety disorder for much longer than a year. I also have had other Anxious thoughts about if i have hep c cause i found out my aunty had it haha that was ages ago though sorry if theirs any spelling mistakes i am on iphone an quite emotional thanks everybody xx

04-13-2012, 06:49 AM
Dude, you are not crazy, Just anxious! In distress. When I was anxious before treatment/education I thought the same. But my doc calmed me down and when I got some relief and eduation I saw it was true. I used to fear I would "lose it" but have never. After 30 years with anxiety that is well managed I know it's a lie(from an anxious mind) that anxiety sufferers often wrestle with. Sure, left untreated for a long period depression can result but not insanity. Different issue all together. PM me any time. Alankay

04-13-2012, 08:20 AM
hiya. i have to agree with alankay!
i've been in your position quite a few times - thinking i am crazy.
it is nothing more thanx anxiety.
i was convinced i had schizophrenia, or at least the onset of it.
i really thought i was losing it.

anxiety phases don't last forever. however, they can last for days, sometimes even weeks. you will finally snap out of this though. keep reminding yourself it is just anxiety.
easier said than done, i know. but that is all it is!
i went on meds to get my head straight and it seems to have worked.
before that, i was a complete mess. convinced i was losing it and convinced i would end up in a mental hospital.
according to others though, i was fine!

you aren't going crazy though :)

04-13-2012, 11:37 PM
You sound so much like me lol! I thought I was goin crazy too. I am so much better now though. You can overcome this, I promise :) Are you on any medication?

04-14-2012, 07:45 AM
Hey everyone thanks for your help means alot :) and no i am not on meds cause i think i would personaly rely on them to much :/