View Full Version : Can anxiety cause your face to go numb?

04-12-2012, 10:48 PM
Hi. I am new to this site and I am looking for any insight or advice you can give. The last few weeks I feel like I have been under a bit of stress. Late last week I got this really annoying twitch under my left eye that came and went, and yesterday had numbness right down the left hand side of my face, across my forehead, cheek and jaw. This completely sent me into panic mode and I went to the GP who said that the numbness in my face was possibly a result of anxiety.

Is this possible?. Has anyone else had numbness / tingling down one side of their face with anxiety. If so, how long did it last? I have had it for 2 days now and does not seem to be getting any better. I admit the period it came on I was recovering from a bad headache and was feeling unusually anxious (restless / stressed over nothing in particular / snappy / moody / unable to sit down). I know that in general I am a fairly emotional person and get anxious easily but this is the first time my anxiety has really concerned me and stressed me out. Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

04-12-2012, 11:02 PM

Yes it can be related to anxiety and is something i have had on and off for a long time .

Migraines can also cause it .

It will pass in time and is nothing nasty to worry about

cheers kev

Thanks Kev - very reassuring!

04-13-2012, 03:06 AM
I have also had this, I would get numbness in my nose and it would spread through out my head and face and sometimes my whole body as well. Mine however only last between 5-10 mins and usually goes away. I had that on and off for about 2 months now but thankfully it has improved! Hang in there ;)

04-13-2012, 03:20 AM
very definitely!! anxiety made my face go numb, hot, flushed, etc.