View Full Version : Blood Tests?

04-12-2012, 10:47 PM
Hey all, I saw a doctor today after 4 weeks of having Anxiety and I am ordered to take some blood tests next week. The needle or needles i have to take is not my worry but it will be an anxious wait to see if there is anything physically wrong with me. Has anyone been tested for the following and what they mean?.

I was going to get it done today, But I've basically had no sleep and I slept in past the appointment so I had to go straight there on a glass of water and no breakfast so my body wouldn't of taken the hits that well.

FBE, ESR, E/LFT's, B12/Folate, Fe Studies, Glucose (Random), TFT's.

Hypocondria is still a bit of a problem for me, worrying about my health so It's going to be a long week before i get these tests done and then a couple of days wait for results.

Is anyone aware of certain symptoms of anxiety that could lead to any of the above?.

But basically I have no idea what half of the above test means...HELPPP?.

04-13-2012, 04:10 PM

Anxiety is a state of the art mental disorder created by the person experienceing it. Anxiety is unique because it is only limited based on the conditions you set for it. In other words it is always wise to go get a few check ups on key organs of the body to be on the safe side but generally when somebody has anxiety your tests will come back normal. People with anxiety including myself basically have eratic negative thoughts which make us fearfull. So naturally anything that goes wrong you see as a threat or a problem. Anxiety can truely make you feel as if your whole body has something wrong with it but part of healing requires you to understand that you need to balance and learn techniques to control your thinking when you feel your loosing it. I would first go get your tests, find out the results and try an anti-depressent. Effexor XR worked well for me because it clouds your thoughts a bit and stops eratic out of control negative thinking. I know this sounds bad but it allows you to come back down to earth and at least see a therapist and gain control of your life.

Once things mellow down, your going to therapy, learning some breathing techniques you can ask your doctor to help you ween off your medication. This is the way I did it and so far has worked well.

I do sometimes have occasional anxiety attacks but they are rare and when they do I try take control of the situation and just collect myself. Keep in mind a couple years ago I was a complete mess with all kinds of anxiety problems so I do know alot about how crazy this condition can be.

Try stay positive and remember breathing techniques are important to prevent hyperventilation when you get anxious. Also find something to get your mind off things when you get anxious don't just sit there and focus in on it!

Hope this helped a bit.