View Full Version : Small dull pains cause anxiety

04-12-2012, 08:21 AM
I have noticed for the last few months that when I have the slightest pain it causes anxiety. I constantly think something is wrong. I was sitting down earlier with my left knee bent and when I got up, the back of my knee felt weird. Now it's bugging me so bad. I don't know why it's causing anxiety. I keep telling myself to shut up and get over it. I'm so irritated with myself. I don't want this to control my life!!!

04-12-2012, 11:17 AM
I used to have the same problem; suffered a shoulder dislocation and even after having surgery and MRIs done, I would freak out about the slightlest discomfort I felt in my shoulder and felt like it could dislocate again any second (even after having my Dr tell me that I just needed to rehab it)
Then the discomfort translated to my cervical spine and I also went out and paid for an MRI for it, convinced that one of my vertebrae was messed up. Again the Dr told to relax, that I was perfectly fine physically but needed to get my anxiety under control.
I started taking 1.5mg of Xanax daily (.5mg at noon,.5 at 5-6pm and then at bedtime) and it was a quick fix. I could strech out, work, drive, even swim w/out. worry. Only problem was that once I quit the Xanax, the fears would come back.
I was diagnosed with GAD (not neccesarily what u might have) and given Celexa. 20mg. Its been about 10 days and Im still taking thd Xanax to wait until the celexa takes effect. I suggest you just get an MRI first before going to medication, you might be easier to convince than I am! Hope it helps


04-12-2012, 12:03 PM
I had the same situation with my left shoulder. The dull pains just make my anxiety worse. The doctor said everything was fine. I have GAD and most days I can deal with it, but days where I am especially anxious its horrible.
I was put on Zoloft 8 years ago and after about 7 my doctor and I decided to ween myself off. I feel ok without meds. I am trying to deal with it on my own. If it gets more out of hand then I defiantly will go back to Zoloft or a new one.
Thanks for your help!!