View Full Version : Alcohol and Anxiety Meds.

01-12-2007, 04:37 PM
I'm a 21 year old male college student. I've had anxiety problems for a few months now. Most of the physical symptoms are generally mild, but I ALWAYS think about the anxiety and it's getting to the point where I'm not feeling like my normal self and I feel uncomfortable in some situations because I get nervous. My father and sister are both on generic Paxil and say it works miracles. I want to get on some meds, but everything I've read says it can't be mixed with alcohol. Being a college student, my social life involves drinking. I'm afraid that if I get on something I won't be as happy with my social life at school, even though my anxiety is better. Does anyone know what the deal with mixing alcohol and anxiety meds is? I want a truthful response, not the answer that I would get from a dr or pharmacist who is forced to say not to drink because they have liability. Any other advice? Thanks!!

01-12-2007, 09:01 PM
I used to drink booze with paxil but it made my anxiety higher as i like to be in control, my doctor told me I could drink with it but it would just have like double the effect on me and i would not be able to handle as much booze as i could in the past.

V for Victor
01-12-2007, 09:01 PM
As somebody who struggled with anxiety for several years, and then went on medication, I can assure you that the difference your medication will make in your entire life will be far worth it. Imagine being free of anxiety all the time, not just when you're drunk!

Besides, alchohol is bad for you anyway, and so is anxiety, so going on pills would benefit your health both phsyically and mentally! :D

Definately consider getting off alchohol and onto a medication, if your anxiety is really having an affect on your happiness.

01-14-2007, 06:10 AM
When on SSRI meds I went out and got leathered, Trust me the DOcs dont lie. I thought I was going to lose my mine I was babbling, crying shaking. Badness. Then I had a hangover that lasted a week.

My advice they dont mix, so dont do it.


01-20-2007, 07:06 PM
Drinking even without being on meds raises my anxiety level. However, ive been on cipralex and wellbutrin and have gotten thouroughly drunk on occasion and it hasnt really affected me, besides the usual panic that follows the day after. The warnings i get are mainly the risk of seizure and other immediate dangers that they have to inform you of. Being an undergrad myself, i understand the importance of an active social life, and that giving drinking up entirely wouldnt not affect it. With a full course load, having a social life is very important. However you also have to consider that alcohol may be having a different effect on you than it did in the past (increasing the level of anxiety you are feeling). If you find that you're always worrying about school issues, like papers and stuff, try dropping a course. That little bit of extra work can make an enourmous difference. if your like me, im a lot more concerned about the long term effects than the short term ones, they seem to cause a lot more problems.

01-20-2007, 07:45 PM
Drinking raises my anxiety level too. It can also elevate your blood pressure. High blood pressure, alcohol (socially smoking while you drink) and anxiety are a miserable mix. I'm a college student myself and used to drink almost every night. I'd stay out late, wouldn't get much sleep and ended up a mess to say the very least.

I understand wanting to have a life and go out during the best times of your life, but at your age, and with the stress level of school and peers, this is also the time to take good care of yourself. You're at a pivotal and crucial point in your life.

WHATEVER you do, don't ignore the anxiety. If you do, several years later you'll have a "rats nest" of problems to deal with and it will adversely affect every aspect of your life. Take it from someone who knows.