View Full Version : please read, need advice xoxox

04-11-2012, 04:56 PM
hello :-) I'm 13 weeks pregnant & very happy about it even though the child's father & i r separated yet still in love & act like a loving couple few times a week.

I was ok with all this until i came off Lexapro 20mg (which i went on 7yrs ago 4 GAD) plus he went out and was seen talking 2 opposite sex which i no isn't a crime but it placed insecurity in me.

Now 4 the past 2 weeks I've had anxiety and panic attacks CONSTANTLY. i spend every waking moment scared that he'll leave my life 4 someone beta. Feel so insecure and fearful. I'm worried 4 my baby and i know i must do something about this limbo situation with the father. He says he has a vision 2 raise our kids 2getha in a nice house & have a successful life 2getha, which i pray DOES happen but i need 2 feel secure now as i do not wanna put my baby under stress.

Thanks 4 taking the time 2 read my words guys xxx i hope 2 b there 4 u too xxx

04-12-2012, 05:35 AM
i know when i was pregnant with my last child, i was obviously with the father - but he wasn't living with me at that time.
i was constantly worrying thinking that he was going to leave me.

i think for insecure and anxious people, it is quite common to feel this way...more so when pregnant.
you aren't only worried for yourself, but you are worried for your unborn child.

i honestly don't know how my partner stayed with me during my pregnancy! i was ridiculously insecure and anxious, to the point i even considered ending the relationship as i couldn't even cope with myself and my thoughts.
it felt like it would be easier to go it alone.

i can completely understand where you are coming from. you really need to talk to him and explain your insecurities.

coming off meds can have an effect on you and can bring back all of the old GAD feelings...but sometimes it is only withdrawal.
pregnancy also does amplify everything though.

i went back to my normal self after i gave birth to my son.
yes, i still have gad, but i no longer had the thoughts of him not wanting to be with me, or him leaving me for somebody else.
well, i did...but not to the extreme as i did when pregnant.
i no longer feel that now :)

i spoke to my partner about my insecurities when iwas pregnant. we moved in together properly a couple of weeks before my son was born :)

congratulations on your pregnancy and i hope you manage to ease your anxiety...even just a little bit :)

04-12-2012, 07:50 AM
Thank you and i pray that happens with us too :-) why did u both decide 2 live apart in the first place? Ours is we were treating eachother horribly with name calling :( we r beta now living apart but because we haven't labelled what we r, i feel insecure

04-12-2012, 10:42 AM
we just hadn't reached the stage of living together at that point. pregnancy happened quite quick:rolleyes: typical me - i seem to fall pregnant just off the word pregnancy lol
you definitely need to find out where you stand, with or without being pregnant.

it would kill me if i wasn't sure where i was at in a relationship!

just make sure that once the pregnancy is over that you start your meds again :) xx