View Full Version : Blackouts?

01-12-2007, 01:04 PM
This doesn't happen to me anymore, but I was wondering if it ment anything. It's kind of a long story so yeah.. actually 2, but what ever.

In 1 grade we got to play with these bells. We stood in a line and down the row each of us would make it ring about 2 or 3 times. The last thing I remember is someone in the front rining their's, and then I hear the teacher yelling at me. I guess I was standing there just shaking the bell. Everyone was looking at me with weird looks. I don't remember what happend, why I sort of "blacked out".

It happened again in 5th grade. Me and my friend shared a locker, and she was doing the combination. I remeber standing there waiting and then my friend holding my arm and going "Holly what's wrong?! Why are you screaming?!". I guess I was standing there just screaming. I don't remeber it really, that's what she told me. Og course there were alot of people in the hallwa, all looking at me like I was crazy.

Has this happened to anyone? Or something like it? Like I said, I don't get it any more, but I was wondering if it would come back and I wnated to know what it was.

