View Full Version : Anxiety Symptoms when not even feeling anxious??

04-11-2012, 08:04 AM
Does this make sense? I keep getting this tingling/burning feeling on the top of my head, and a numbness feeling on my nose. It usually goes away at bed time, but within 15 minutes of being up, it just re-appears. Even when I am not feeling worried about anything. It will come and go all day long.

I have had a sinus infection the past 3 weeks or so....any chance it can be related to this?? Seems hard to believe that these can be anxiety symptoms especially since I have had the past 10 days off from work. I haven't really had too much to stress out about (aside from my physical symptoms). I made the mistake a few days ago of googling my symptoms (I have been so good at not doing this lately!!). The results showed that my symptoms could be anxiety related.....but also that it could be a brain tumour or M.S, or some other nasty condition....right away upon reading that....the burning/tingling quickly spread to my knees, elbows, and buttocks!

Does anybody else get this tingling/numbness even when they are not feeling anxious? And do you deal with it 80% of your day for several weeks?

This is becoming very tiresome.

04-11-2012, 12:13 PM
Hey how are you doing? And yes i've had the exact same symptoms as you. I am also getting burning sensations on my head but also other places to. I also have had a sinus infection for about a little over a month and i would also get numbness in my nose which i thought it was related with my sinus infection but i never quite found out. I also have been having dizziness for about 2 weeks straight! i don't feel anxious but its still there, very annoying! And my last numbness it had started in my nose and spread to my shoulders to my face to my chest and then to my thighs. I too have looked up symptoms for this and i'm still convinced i have MS, even though my doctor told i didn't.. guess ill have to trust him. And i have looked up symptoms for a brain tumor and i thought i had that cause i had sharp head pain, and eye blurriness. But i guess it turned out i don't have one. I still get numbness in my hands and feet but i think that's from sitting weird, other then that i haven't had any numbness for about a week. But yea anxiety can be with you even if you aren't feeling anxious is what my counselor told me and can last a long time. hang in there you aren't alone!

04-11-2012, 02:34 PM
Thanks for both of your replies. You are right Kev. I just don't understand anxiety well enough. Even though I have had it for a long time, it is only very recently that I have accepted that I have anxiety. Looking back at things, I should have seen it coming. I was putting in too much extra time at work, taking overtime shifts, etc. Then all of these physical symptoms started creeping up on me, and it was hard for me to believe that they were all stress/anxiety related.

I was doing really well in January and February: going to the gym regularly, better diet, seeing a counsellor, breathing exercises. Everything fell apart in March when my work schedule got really hectic. I wasn't doing any of the above during that month. My schedule has calmed down again, so I should be able to get back into the groove that I was in.

I owe it to myself and to my family to feel better. I don't want to waste the summer months, sitting around, worrying about a terminal illness that I don't have.

Thanks again you two.

04-11-2012, 02:37 PM

I hear that sometimes tingling/numbness can also be caused when you are low on magnesium intake (ie. spinach, green leafy veggies, etc). I can tell you that I didn't touch a single vegetable in March. Lots of take out food with the busy work schedule. Gonna try eating better. Hopefully it will help a bit. Just a thought.

04-11-2012, 03:16 PM
this is exactly what I have RIGHT NOW! It bagan with a jittery feeling, then numbness in my head and tingling and pressure at my nose. it then spread to my chest and limbs. I get this fairly often, once a week or so. It's so scary, I'm convinced something is seriously wrong with me. But everytime it goes away. It's very terrifying, especially since it makes you feel just 'not right'. I also suffer from severe derealization attacks. All around just not knowing why I'm having these feelings is discouraging and frustrating. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has this.

04-11-2012, 04:26 PM
Leahrenee hi, I know your struggle i have exactly the same stuff happening it happens like every week or so and its very scary! i also have had derealization attacks it makes me feel so weird!! do you have any other symptoms? cause im also burping alot for some reason it has to be anxiety and it makes me chest feel tight and unable to take deep breathes! GLad to see im not alone