View Full Version : Just one of those days

04-11-2012, 06:04 AM
Overall, I have been in really good moods for the majority of the time being on Ativan and Prozac. However, today feels like one of those days when I am just "blah"... I don't know what exactly it is but I'm not in the best of moods today... I haven't taken my Ativan yet this morning so maybe once I do, that will help?? I don't know.. But I just feel kind of blah today.. Not a depressed or upset mood but not happy either.. Just a "here" kind of mood where I'm mellow I guess?? It's really hard to explain... *sigh*

My daughter is home today from school as well since she said she didn't feel good and her eyes did look a little off to me. So, I allowed her to stay home, but I'm betting I could have gotten away with sending her anyway (she's 9 by the way). Oh well.. We'll see how the day goes I guess.. I know that the weather is a bit overcast today so maybe that's contributing to this weird mood I'm in. Does anyone else get like this?

04-11-2012, 06:07 AM
But then too, I was checking our local weather on weather.com and the pollen count is really high today. I read somewhere that high pollen/allergy days can trigger our anxiety issues as well (not sure if I read it here in the forum), so maybe that's part of the problem???

04-11-2012, 06:31 AM
We all have off days for whatever reason. Tomorrow will be better! Alankay

04-11-2012, 05:54 PM
I ended up just getting myself up off of the couch, made myself some lunch and a cup of coffee, rolled up my sleeves and finished unpacking my kitchen/dining room. I thoroughly cleaned the two rooms and by the time I was done; hours had went by and I was in a much better mood. I'm going to be sure to try and do that the next time I'm feeling gloomy like I was this morning. I'll just get up and start cleaning..