View Full Version : Has this happened to anyone.

04-11-2012, 03:49 AM
It's been a couple months now that I have been dealing with these anxiety issues. And since I was told my chest pains were caused by anxiety. Yesterday I decided I was going to fight the "fear of a heart attack" and go to the gym and work out. I didn't do much stretching, and went right into weight lifting, benching, pull ups, etc. all of a sudden I got pains in my chest again and as soon as that hit, the anxiousness came flying back, this time because I was working out and now my fear of heart attack was coming back. After I felt the pain, I stopped doing what I was doing, paced around for a few minutes, and took some deep breaths. The paint went away and I was fine. So idk if it was me being nervous about working out that caused it, but now I feel like I can't work out or anything anymore.

04-11-2012, 04:50 AM
I started hyperventilating after a vigorous run a couple of days ago - it led to a minor panic attack and now I'm really apprehensive about going out again.

We can't let anxiety or fear of the fear stop us from what we want to do. I'm going to go out tomorrow, but not go quite as hard. I'll take my dog for company (he is pretty lazy), which always helps.

Exercise is almost a vital part of overcoming anxiety. It releases endorphins and helps clear the mind. Persist. Don't let the anxiety stop you.

Let us know how you go!

04-11-2012, 05:30 AM
I'll have to force myself to go back to the gym. Today I feel great. My chest hasn't hurt and I'm not really feeling too anxious. If my day continues like this, I will be very happy. Thanks for the reply, and good luck on your walk :)

04-11-2012, 09:10 AM
Over the years I have found that regular exercise helps my anxiety. Even if it's just a walk outside. For some reason being outside in the fresh air helps. Breathing is easier and it helps clear my mind of whatever I am worrying about. Definitely stick with your work outs but don't over due it. You just have to listen to your body. Good luck with the workouts!

04-11-2012, 11:49 AM
definitely force yourself back.
you're probably right. you got yourself worried about getting anxious during your time at the gym, that it actually happened.

don't let it stop you though. that is what anxiety does best - makes you avoid things that you actually enjoy doing!

04-11-2012, 11:58 AM
it's Anxiety at its best !! I have felt that before and I think is ur anxiety saying "u can't workout! u must just stay home and hopeless.. So here goes some chest pain" lol jus ignore it!!