View Full Version : First time taking anxiety/depression med - Pristiq

04-10-2012, 05:27 PM
Hi there.

Anybody ever taken Pristiq before? I have been taking 50 mg daily for about a week now. I haven't really noticed any improvement yet. I have been feeling a bit more spaced out then normal, and actually my anxiety has been worse the past few days.

I have been having tingling/numbness/burning sensations on scalp and nose the past few weeks, and have had no problem saying that they are anxiety related. But since going on the Pristiq, I am getting anxious that the tingling/numbness is related to a variety of horrible illnesses.

I am finding this to be very discouraging so far, because I have never taken medication for anxiety/depression before. My doctor recommended Pristiq for me back in October, and it has taken me 6 months of thinking about it, to actually start taking it.

I need to get back on track in my life. My anxiety/hypochondria is controlling my life, each and every day.

Any feedback is much appreciated.

04-10-2012, 05:48 PM
I am taking Pristiq, almost 2 months in now. I have had great success with this stuff, at first it did make me feel really spacey and I had horrible nausea and headaches, but after about 2 weeks all that subsides and this med really helped me alot, I really feel like I've turned a corner and like I'm on my way to getting better.

My advice give it at least a month and see how you feel, if by then you still have side effects or it doesn't seem to be working for you talk to your doc, something else may work better, but pristiq has really been great for me and I'm glad I started it. Hang in there, I'm sure things will get much better!