View Full Version : Need help

04-10-2012, 04:28 PM
I've had anxiety since I was 16 I'm 23 now and it's not getting any better I went doctors after months of wanting to go so I finely went and all he did for me was give me a fucking leaflet how is that gona help me and now after that ive lost all hope my main problem is sweating when I'm nervous so when I'm about to talk to some 1 I think that I'm gona start sweating Wich makes me sweat even more it's like I'm going round in circles I try not to sweat and it just makes it worse can any. 1 give me some advice

04-12-2012, 08:31 AM
Sweating is normal:) some people sweat a lot and the lucky ones not as bad. I had the same problem when I was 20. The doctor made it seem like it was weird. That gave me anxiety. I went to another doctor and he told me that it is normal. The best thing I did was prepare myself. When I was going to talk to someone, my heart would pound and I my hands would get all clammy. I just knew I was going to be anxious, But I just took a few deep breaths and kinda laughed in my head. You will be fine. Some doctors even prescribe something called drysol. It basically prevents swear in your pits and hands. I used it when I was a teenager. It works pretty good. I hope I was able to help:)

04-12-2012, 11:21 PM
I sweat like a fiend too. Even when I'm not overly anxious. I always have. I had to start using deodorant when I was 9 - 5 long years from the onset of puberty!!

In summer I can only wear black or white tops (few sweat stains) and I literally drip swear from my pits!! At least it doesn't smell!!

Anxiety makes it worse. I break out into a sweat sheen and my hands and feet get super sweaty! My best friend is similar, except she is more of a forehead sweater.

There are some really good treatments out there. I have considered getting Botox under my arms (but if I'm going to spend all that cash on Botox, I'm doing my frown-y forehead first!!).

You really are not alone with the sweating thing!!