View Full Version : Help :(

04-10-2012, 03:15 PM
A little background information about me. I'm turning 22 in a month and just got engaged to my wonderful fiancé who I have been with for almost two years. He's in the air force and is currently stationed 20 hours away. I'm still in Fl finishing up school then moving in with my parents until October when I'm supposed to move in with him. I've only been engaged for a month and a half and not far into it I have started getting severe anxiety about getting married (already going to be engaged for like 2years) and even more anxiety about moving away from my family. I cry about everyday. I feel like things are never going to be the same again and I'll never see them again. So much is going on at once and I'm scared to move away from everything I have ever known. My anxiety has caused me to break up with my fiancé but he's been patient with me. I've been in a fog for like 2 weeks and it's driving me crazy. I've been living off my Ativan for everyday use instead of every now and then like I used to need it (and when i mean every now and then it was like once every 2 months). No matter what people say, like my fiancé told me I could fly home like 4 times a year and my parents coming up like twice a year, I can't wrap my head around moving. I'm tired of having panic attacks and living off Ativan. I've lost 10 pounds in the last 2weeks and forcing myself to eat. Anyone else have been in this situation and how did you cope?

04-11-2012, 03:24 AM
It sounds like you have a lot going on and I can certainly relate. When I got engaged last year I was fine for a month and then BAM. Anxiety strikes.

My partner and I have been together for 8 years and have livestock together for 7, but I had to move far from my family and to make things worse, on top of some of the relationship issues my partner and I are working through, my family don't really get on that well with him.

Change is really hard to manage. Are you seeing a counselor or any kind of therapist? You need to talk this through with someone and loom at the positives that your new life will bring, rather than focusing on all of the negative stuff.

Good luck xxx

04-11-2012, 08:56 AM
How are you doing now with everything? We are having our own relationship issues as well and my family isn't so sure but as long as I'm happy their okay with him.

I will this summer when I move back in with my parents.